PumpkinAle's JournalScientists rediscover "noah" 6500-year-old-skeleton
Scientists at the Penn Museum in Philadelphia have re-discovered a rare and important find in their storage rooms a complete human skeleton who lived around 6,500 years ago in the Sumerian city-state of Ur. The aptly named Noah was originally found within a layer of deep silt, indicating that he lived after an epic flood. The first known recorded story of a great flood comes from Sumer, now southern Iraq, and it is generally believed to be the historic precursor of the Biblical flood story written millennia later.
.............. According to a news report in Past Horizons, the skeleton was originally found by British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley around 1929/1930 during a joint Penn Museum/British Museum excavation of the ancient city of Ur, near modern-day Nasiriyah in Iraq.
The skeleton was located at an incredible depth of 50 feet, in a deep silt layer beneath the citys 4,500-year-old royal cemetery. Testing revealed that the layer was 2,000 years older than the cemetery, dating back to the Ubaid period (c. 5,500 to 4,000 BC). A total of 48 human remains were found in the layer, but Noah was the only skeleton in good enough condition to be removed. In fact, Noah is the only complete skeleton ever recovered from this region and era.
....................... Some also believe it was the Sumerian account that later inspired the Biblical story of Noahs Ark.
Wrong-Way Motorway Smash Captured On Video
Lucky for this old man, he was in the UK:
The police dashboard camera then captures the moment the officers deliberately crash into the car, being driven by a 77-year-old man with dementia.
The police driver is heard telling his colleague: "I had to mate." The officer replies: "I know you did, I know you did."
The police force has praised the bravery of the traffic officers for choosing to engineer the collision to prevent the car from hitting oncoming traffic.
The male driver, from Rowley Regis in the West Midlands, had earlier been reported missing by his family. He was not hurt in the crash on the northbound carriageway of the motorway. One of the officers suffered a minor injury in Monday's incident.
Update on Undocumented Voter (R) .....found guilty
Update on post at http://www.democraticunderground.com/1014783846
An immigrant living in the country illegally has pleaded guilty in Reno to violating election laws after she registered to vote in Washoe County under a false name and cast ballots in the 2008 and 2010 Nevada elections.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Hortencia Segura-Munoz was sentenced Wednesday to 103 days in jail. But she was given credit for 103 days already served on the single gross misdemeanor count of conspiracy to commit violations concerning registration of voters.
Segura-Munoz also was ordered to pay $1,000 in costs and fees. She originally was arrested on two felony charges of voter fraud.
Prosecutors say she registered as a Republican, but its not known which candidates she voted for or if her voting affected any close elections.
How strange she is registered as a Republican, but it is unknown which candidates she voted for - great choice of words there "liberal" media. The Nevada rightwing idiota are expressing their discontent with their usual lies and hatred.
The Humans are fighting again
For 1StrongBlackMan and anyone who wants a smile
Rupert Murdoch: politicians and red tape are holding business back
Rupert Murdoch: politicians and red tape are holding business back
Media mogul tells B20 meeting in Sydney that companies must be allowed to help shape public policy
Rupert Murdoch says business has a right to speak out on public policy matters, even on issues not directly related to their area of operation.
"Business is just as entitled to express its opinion as unions are," the News Corporation executive chairman told the B20 summit of business leaders in Sydney.
"The trouble, I find, is usually unions represent hundreds of thousands of voters whereas a business represents just one."
Murdoch has no ethics, has no sense or morality and is a complete moron.
Isn't it sad that
Comcast Serves Up What May Be the Worst Customer Service Call in History
The call starts like this:
Block: Wed like to disconnect please.
Comcast rep: Why is it that you dont want the faster speed? Help me understand why you dont want faster internet.
Block: Help me understand why you cant disconnect us.
Comcast rep: Because my job is to have a conversation with you about keeping your service, about finding out why it is that youre looking to cancel the service.
Block: I dont understand
Comcast rep: If you dont want to talk to me, you can definitely go into the Comcast store and disconnect your service there.
And it goes on for another seven more excruciating minutes.
Full discussion audio and story here:
I think Mr. Block was amazing - I would have given up and curled up in a corner crying.
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