Fred Sanders
Fred Sanders's JournalFox News Poll: Americans Evenly Divided Over Bergdahl/Taliban Exchange
"Do you approve or disapprove of the United States releasing five Taliban prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for the release of a U.S. soldier who was being held as a prisoner of war in Afghanistan?"
Approve 45%, Disapprove, 48%, (Don't Know), 8%
Uh, oh, seems Americans are not nearly as outraged as the RW Media....
And two other points, if I may. First, the question admits Bergdahl was a POW and a prisoner, not a hostage.
Second, if the question added that the prisoner was held captive for five years, I think the numbers would change.
Fox and McCain and the rest of the cult have jumped the shark, walking this back is going to be almost as disastrous as doubling down on the crazy hypocrisy.
Edit: Fox is burying this little tidbit and screaming about push poll questions on other issues.....the shark of public opinion is biting back. The righteous outrage of the left wing at the faux outrage of the right wing is like nothing I have seen, and fully justified.
The Taliban "Dream Team" Has Not Dribbled A Ball In Thirteen Years
The starting five of the released Taliban are now an average age near 50 years. The team has been imprisoned all that time in the most notorious prison in the world, tortured, force-fed, humiliated, separated from each other. They still have another year in the penalty box under house arrest in the sands of Qatar.
So WTF is everyone talking about, would you put these guys in the game? They are probably barely able to wipe their own asses, let alone ever be collectively or individually of great concern......but the return of the Last Warrior is cause for celebration, screw the media and the GOP.
Edit: By the way, every brown man wearing turban and a beard is not AQ, you simple, lying, racist morons. And that includes the Duck Dynasty crowd and their bandana, put a turban on any of them and you could call them AQ also, you idiots and traitors.
Fox News and the GOP have lost their minds in attacking military tradition and ethics.
Theres something strangely inconsistent about a nation and a press that will praise you when you say be nonviolent toward Jim Clark, but will curse and damn you when you say be nonviolent toward little brown Vietnamese children. There is something wrong with that."
Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking at the height of the racial and Vietnam wars of the '60's.
Bengazhi two weeks ago and since forever, then the VA thing, now the prisoner swap thing, nothing seems to stick. The incredible quick pivot to the latest, greatest nouveau outrage is an overplayed hand.
GOP operatives seemed to have two ex army guys at the ready to offer their opinions that Bergdahl was a deserter, they must have known from someone this was about to happen, and their pathetic denials that they are not is a story unto itself. Not to mention soldiers attacking other soldiers for personal profit and gain is going to win them few friends in the public and fewer in the military.
The thing is, Bergdahl is an American soldier, the last in enemy captivity, at the end of a WAR. He is part of a prisoner swap with the enemy, a POW swap. Just ask Israel which routinely swaps dozens of prisoners for a single soldier. How outraged are the GOP with America's greatest ally?
It is Fox and the GOP versus the military and military codes and ethics, that is what this is boiling down to. And when the GOP votes against VA benefits increases this week (again), will America finally wake up to the evil they represent?
The GOP have followed Roger Ailes right off a propaganda cliff this time, because if there is one thing the American military does very well it is counter-propaganda.
Just posted:
Post posted thought:
Is it the same guys who scream that First Amendment rights include unlimited, un-disclosable cash to any and all unlimited candidates in a fair democratic election process the same guys screaming a soldier has no free speech rights at all in critiquing government war policy, even while speaking in private? Because that is one big hypocrisy booger right there.
The Commander In Chief made another tough call, (remember Bin Laden) and the praise he deserves
will destroy the Republican years long campaign of Obama is a weak President and the hateathon that keeps their brainwashed minions obedient, high on hate, junkies enslaved to outrage, will fade.
There is no measured debate or any debate with these extremists, nothing will satisfy them, all things Obama does are reacted to with justified measure of rage usually reserved for serial killers and pedophiles.
Any lie and deflection is fair game to protect the brainwashed from the truth. Hate is the grease that is the easiest balm to apply to turn every action into a reaction of pure frothing at the mouth hate.
All coming to a cable network near you because they love that kind of stuff to fill the endless panels and never ending airtime.
"Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (who was captured when he was an E-3, and promoted twice while in captivity) has been released.
In just about every comment section of any article about the release you will find some right wing nuts calling him a "traitor", "deserter" and "collaborator". (most of those making these accusations have zero military experience of course)
I think the reasons for this are two fold: first that he was released under Obama's watch. That irked them to no end. second, he was released due to negotiations and not a massive deadly assault into another nation - like with bin Lauden.
These right wing nuts feel they have the Sgt. pegged as a "traitor" because the Taliban said he was helping them. That he is a "deserter" because the Tailban said he had walked away from his post
or gone out drinking
or left the FOB to use a makeshift latrine
or go AWOL for a few days. That he is a "collaborator" because he appeared in several (4) videos produced by the Taliban instead of fighting to the death or escaping.
It seems that the Taliban is a more reliable source of information about a US Soldier than the US Military which has stated:"The Taliban are known for lying and what they are claiming [is] not true" and "I'm glad to see he appears unharmed, but again, this is a Taliban propaganda video. They are exploiting the soldier in violation of international law.""
Edit: The Taliban are not AQ, you freaky morons, and lying about it because it makes your hate of the President more palatable to your freaking voter base, and so you can fundraiser on it get on the freaky cable TV news shows to screech said sad lies, makes you freaking traitors.
Is the problem the exchange rate, should it have been 3 for 1, 4 for 1?
Desmond Tutu Calls Oilsands "filth", Urges Cooperation On Environment
Source: The Canadian Press
FORT MCMURRAY, Alta. - Anglican archbishop Desmond Tutu has called Alberta's oilsands "filth" created by greed, and has urged all sides to work together to protect the environment and aboriginal rights.
"The fact that this filth is being created now, when the link between carbon emissions and global warming is so obvious, reflects negligence and greed," Tutu told more than 200 rapt attendees at a conference on oilsands development and treaty rights in Fort McMurray on Saturday.
"The oilsands are emblematic of an era of high carbon and high-risk fuels that must end if we are committed to a safer climate."
"Oilsands development not only devastates our shared climate, it is also stripping away the rights of First Nations and affected communities to protect their children, land and water from being poisoned."
Read more:
The Athabasca, or Alberta, Tar Oilsands, as they were once known, are a source of immense wealth and immense environmental damage, the opposing forces of wealth are huge, but building a straw to suck up this filth and distribute it throughout the world will make climate disruption inevitable.
Yellow Politicians, Yellow Media and Yellow Cake
If the last few weeks have taught me anything it is that made in Niger for Iraq Yellow cake still exists.
The lying military officials who one day say there is no evidence of a military pullback from Russia and then pause for a week and then say, yes, a pullback is almost complete.....
The yellow politicians who refuse to point out how Republicans are screaming from inside glass houses on the VA problems created by their own yellow cake Iraq war crimes and lies....
The yellow media that comforts and covers for them, the same GOP who have repeatedly blocked Democratic efforts for more funds and facilities for the Congressional record, just this very same year, entranced they are by headhunting expeditions, little discussion of boring solutions and unwilling to do the research required to consider cause and effect.
America is a country enslaved by misinformation and democratic institutions under attack and the media guardians of democracy are fiddling while the institutions crumble......
America is once again being served up slices of rancid Yellow Cake, and it is gobbling it up again.
Good thing I got me this keyboard.
CNN: U.S. Officials Confirm Lying About Russian Troop Movements and Buildup
Even as CNN today, May 29, reports U.S officials have confirmed that less than 10,000 Russian troops, almost all infantry, remain near the Ukraine border I had to ask myself something because sometimes some things just jump up and smack you in the head with one big HUH?
When Putin announced that he would respect the outcome of the unrepresentative national election for President and WAS pulling back the troops, so he said, the little Bolshevik liar, was it not the same said U.S. officials who said there was no evidence of such a pullback? And who can ever believe a Bolshevik to ever tell the truth, right?
So, right up to today, several days after the election is over, now they say there actually was a pullback? You do not pull back tens of thousands of troops through the vastness of Russia in an eye blink.
And speaking of eyes, America has eyes in the sky over Russian territory that can read the brand of vodka
Putin is drinking today, so they could not have missed 30,000 troops now back at base or on the way.
Only conclusion is that once again we are all being lied to all the time, no doubt at all when it comes to military matters mixed with political matters....the question is, what is the point?
If the military released daily satellite pictures taken at one hour intervals and posted then on the net, what difference would it have made? What horror would have befallen the world worse than a local civil war if people were given the truth instead of fed lies? Is possessing some imagined God like power so enticing that everything has to be a lie so that a few pathological power mongers can get their fix and confirm God chose them to rule this way?
Just asking.
Guns are the mortal enemies of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and if that is not
true then this man is a fraud and a charlatan:
Now that is righteous anger. Be afraid, gun lovers, be very afraid, that anger and that righteousness is coming for you.
Vets Dying While Politicians and the Media Plying For Scapegoat
Every political news show and the Sunday morning shows make me want to vomit.
The ever so sincere and massive effort underway to BLAME someone as fast as possible rather than pass the VA Benefits Expansion Act filibustered by Republicans and Mitch McConnell, in person, on February 26, 2014 because.......Bengazhi!.......correction, Iran!, criminal negligence.
The carefully crafted and widely supported legislation is sitting in every Senators file drawer.
Harry Reid has got to reintroduce the legislation, like yesterday. A political grand slam is at his fingertips.
Double dare to Republicans and candidate McConnell of the heated Kentucky Senate race to block it again.
Flashback: When Mitch McConnell Killed VA Benefit Expansion Bill, S. 1982, on February 26, 2014
WASHINGTON -- Two top veterans groups have come out against a Senate GOP effort to insert an Iran sanctions amendment into an unrelated veterans bill, putting the party at odds with a constituency that leans Republican.
"Iran is a serious issue that Congress needs to address, but it cannot be tied to S. 1982, which is extremely important as our nation prepares to welcome millions of U.S. military servicemen and women home from war," said American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger in a Wednesday statement, referring to the veterans benefits measure introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). "We can deal with Iran -- or any other issue unrelated specifically to veterans -- with separate legislation."
Though officially nonpartisan, the American Legion is known for having more-conservative, older members. NPR reported that legion members hearing from Mitt Romney in 2012 were "not an Obama-friendly crowd."
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America offered a similar sentiment against linking Iran sanctions on Tuesday.
Bill defeated by 56 For, 41 Against, the Republicans filibustered and refused to open debate, this is the horrible horrible unmentionable truth and it is 100% at the feet of McConnell.
Asshat Mitch pandering to the teapot primary crowd was the one that killed the vets, that is the horrible truth the media will not let you hear.
"However, the same Senate Republicans who are now claiming to be a friend to our veterans, shamefully blocked a bill in February that would have expanded and improved care for vets. The bill by Sen. Bernie Sanders contained provisions that would have restored the COLA for vets, and protected them from losing their benefits in the event of another government shutdown. It also would have authorized the construction of 27 new clinics and medical facilities, and it would have provided tuition assistance to post-9/11 vets. The bill failed by a 56-41 vote as only two Republicans joined with Democrats in supporting it."
"Those 27 new clinics and facilities that Republicans blocked would certainly come in handy now...."
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry
WASHINGTON Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:50pm EST
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.
Even though the legislation cleared a procedural vote on Tuesday by a 99-0 vote, the measure quickly got bogged down in partisan fighting.
Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans' programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
With Democrats pressing for passage this week, Senate Republicans, backed by their leader, Mitch McConnell, attempted to attach controversial legislation calling for possible new sanctions on Iran that President Barack Obama opposes.
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