Fred Sanders
Fred Sanders's JournalTen Mindbending Facts About Water Earth Doesnt Have as Much Water as you Probably Think it Does

9. Europa Actually Has Much More Water Than Earth
8 more things you need to know about water at the link.
Who Is Voting For Trump For President? The Farce Report Interviews Actual Trump Voters.
"Did you watch the Republican debates? Plenty did and the GOP polls are indicating that Donald Trump is the frontrunner for president. With all his wild antics and offensive quotes, we cant understand who is voting for Donald Trump. If hes leading this high in the polls somebody, somewhere wants Donald Trump for president. We just had to know who.
Our crack team of reporters hit the streets and found people that are ready and willing to vote for Donald Trump. Of course, we asked them why? How? What in the? And, of course, their answers were priceless.
Whatever you think about the American people, think again. These Donald Trump supporters will blow you away. Watch the video to see why these men and women want to vote Donald Trump for president."
SHARE this video to spread the word about Trump and his supporters.
Right Wing Media Lash Out At Pope Francis During U.S. Visit | Media Matters
From David Brock's Media Matters watchdog of the media:
Right-Wing Media Lash Out At Pope Francis During U.S. Visit
Research 8 hours and 30 minutes ago JULIE ALDERMAN & NICK FERNANDEZ
"Right-wing media are attacking President Obama and Pope Francis for what they're characterizing as the hypocrisy and cowardice of their joint remarks at the White House marking the beginning of the pope's first-ever visit to the United States.
Pope Marks First Visit To U.S. By Visiting Obama At The White House
Pope Francis Meets With President Obama On The First Full Day Of His U.S. Tour. Pope Francis spent the morning of September 23 at the White House on the first full day of his tour of the United States, which will include stops in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Philadelphia. President Obama welcomed the pope on the South Lawn of the White House, where both leaders gave a brief public remarks that saw the pope endorse Obama's climate change agenda."
Read More:
The list of crazed right wing babblers quoted in the MM article forms a long and convenient reference list of right wing hate sites and is a clear lesson in who they really are.....messengers from sites without any message a sane person would want to hear.
Hillary Clinton on Keystone Pipeline: "I Oppose It"
Source: NBC News
NBC News
Hillary Clinton on Keystone Pipeline: 'I Oppose It'
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton announces in Iowa that she does not support the Keystone pipeline.
Read more:
Video at link of live announcement.
Into the Unknown: Commanders Kelly and Kornienko Begin Seventh Month of Space Travel | NASA"Almost everything we know about living in space ends at six months. Now that I am at the midpoint of my mission, heading into the second half of one year in space aboard the International Space Station, I am looking forward to exploring the science of this uncharted territory and stepping into the unknown.
My Russian colleague Mikhail Kornienko and I are living in space for one year to push the edge of our scientific understanding. To add in another dynamic, researchers are conducting twin studies to compare the subtle effects and changes in spaceflight as compared to Earth by studying my twin brother and I, two individuals who have almost identical genetics, but are in different environments for one year. We hope that the knowledge gained on this mission will benefit the Earth and that the data collected will help send humans to new destinations, supporting the next generation of space explorers."

#IStandWithAhmed: Story of Muslim-American teenager arrested for bringing clock to school goes viral
"Islamophobia ran amok on Monday with the arrest and interrogation of 14 year old aspiring inventor, Ahmed Mohamed. Mohamed brought a homemade clock to school to impress his teacher at MacArthur High in Irving, Texas, but instead of encouraging words his teacher and principal called in the police. Mohamed was then interrogated without his parents present, handcuffed and hauled down to the local juvenile detention. Ahmed Mohamed is Muslim.
His teacher thought his clock was a bomb. After Mohameds arrest went viral, and by Tuesday night it spiraled into a tidal wave of support. His arrest made national news this morning and the rest is history. Were watching it unfold today:
Ahmed Mohamed
Ahmed Mohamed ?@IStandWithAhmed
Thank you for your support! I really didn't think people would care about a muslim boy. #Thankyouforstandingwithme #IStandWithAhmed
7:13 AM - 16 Sep 2015
- See more at:
Watch out, it's a brown guy with a clock! @IStandWithAhmed
10:28 AM - 16 Sep 2015
3,658 Retweets 4,295 favourites
Now top trending hashtag on twitter, Ahmed Mohameds story has gone international:
How #IStandWithAhmed took Twitter by storm
CHICAGO: A Muslim teen was led out of a Texas school in handcuffs after a teacher mistook his homemade digital clock for a bomb, prompting accusations of Islamophobia and an online backlash on Wednesday.
A photo of Ahmed Mohamed, 14, standing in handcuffs while wearing a t-shirt with the US space agency NASA's logo was retweeted thousands of times in a matter of hours and "#IStandWithAhmed" was the top trending hashtag on Twitter.
Among those voicing support for the boy was Hillary Clinton, who tweeted: "Assumptions and fear don't keep us safe-they hold us back. Ahmed, stay curious and keep building."
Mohamed told The Dallas Morning News that he was just trying to impress his teachers when he brought the clock to MacArthur High school on Monday.
WATCH: Fox Uses The SAME EXACT Propaganda To Attack Iran They Used Against Iraq In 2007:
"In 2007, the war in Iraq was still raging. With no exit strategy in sight and the hope of another Republican administration in 2009, the GOP launched the next phase of its war mongering, led by its chief propaganda machine: Fox News.
Fox ran with the same rhetoric and lies it used to help convince Americans that we needed to destroy Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein. Weapons of mass destruction were a certainty. Al Qaeda was building an army. The same exact garbage they sold us to put $2 trillion on the countrys credit card so Halliburton and the Carlyle Group could profit from no-bid contracts was playing out again before our eyes.
Meanwhile, Iran was ACTUALLY building a stockpile of centrifuges under Bushs nose, causing yet another foreign policy disaster for President Obama to deal with."
And now as we love and breath and listen Fox is doing the exact same thing again with the exact same garbage again spewed relentlessly and endlessly through its vast array of free speech megaphones.
"Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here!": Refugees Welcomed by Huge Crowds in Germany
U.S. adds 173,000 jobs in August as unemployment falls to seven-year low | Marketwatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) The pace of hiring in the United States slowed in August, but the dropoff probably wasnt weak enough to force the Federal Reserve to reconsider plans to raise interest rates this year as the unemployment rate fell to the lowest level in seven years.
The U.S. added 173,000 jobs last month, marking the smallest increase since March and the second smallest gain of the year,the government reported Friday. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had expected a seasonally adjusted 213,000 increase in nonfarm jobs.
Offsetting slower job creation last month, the pace of hiring in July and June was stronger than initially reported, according to a survey of business establishments. The Labor Department said 245,000 new jobs were created in July instead of 215,000. Junes gain was revised up to 245,000 from 231,000.
Wages also picked up, perhaps a sign that falling unemployment and scattered labor shortages are pressuring more companies to increase pay."
What is not to like.....and time to celebrate....a word completely being buried in the perpetual cloud of ridiculous doom and gloom the media spews every hour....wasn't America founded and built on exactly the opposite sentiment?
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