Jake Stern
Jake Stern's JournalJust when I believe humanity has hit rock bottom, it keeps digging
Guy buys dope with bogus bills and, hoping to keep pissed off dealers at bay, makes deals with his infant in the car.
Even after the shooting, Voci said Monroe didn't rush his son to the hospital.
More: https://6abc.com/da-father-used-baby-as-human-shield;-child-shot-4-times-in-philly/5692635/
Oberlin College appeals $31 million Gibson bakery decision
All Gibson's asked, in return for dropping the case, was for Oberlin to put out a statement that they believed that Gibson's wasn't racist but Oberlin basically told them to fuck off and a jury made them pay out the nose.
It would be interesting to see how Oberlin students and leadership really feel about free speech by having alum Michelle Malkin try to book a speaking engagement there.
Read More: https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2019/10/oberlin-college-appeals-31-million-gibson-bakery-decision.html
Germany's Seehofer warns refugees who take Syria vacations
Source: Deutsche Welle
"If somebody, a Syrian refugee, regularly takes holidays in Syria, he cannot honestly claim to be persecuted in Syria," Seehofer told Bild am Sonntag weekly.
"We would have to strip him of his refugee status," he added.
As soon as German officials learn of such trips, they will launch a probe into the migrants' refugee status, Seehofer added.
Read More: https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-seehofer-warns-refugees-who-take-syria-vacations/a-50069317]
Totally agree. It's too dangerous to live in but safe enough to go for vacay?
Junior Kimbrough - God Knows I Tried
While learning more about the area of Mississippi my family is from, I discovered the music of Junior Kimbrough and the Hill Country Blues.
Thank you for all these hearts!
Take a step back and BREATHE.
Please stop with the "He's gonna dissolve Congress and the Supreme Court!!!!!" nonsense
He is not, nor can he even if he wants to. The law that authorizes national emergencies provides ZERO authority to suspend the constitution or Congress or anything else. It deals with using DOD funds, personnel, and material for projects related to national security outside of direct congressional appropriation not tossing SCOTUS out on their asses or suspending elections or lining up and shooting representatives.
Truth is the emergency declaration is pure political theatre
Trump knows damn well that Roberts will almost certainly side with the 4 liberal justices against this move thereby stopping it.
Nothing more than some red meat for his deplorable base so he can tell them he did all he could to get the wall built.
So effing torn right now
Usually opposed to doxxing as the risk of exposing the wrong person is very high but that MAGAt asshole teenager in DC with the smug, self-satisfied smirk has me seeing red. It makes me tempted to look the other way if someone does.
Seriously I'm coming around to the belief that extensive public shaming and his seeing his future prospects go "poof" is the only thing that will humble the little shit and wipe that disgusting smirk off his face.
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Member since: Thu Feb 13, 2014, 01:51 AMNumber of posts: 3,145