cornball 24
cornball 24's JournalA subject that I have not heard/seen discussed which I find of interest-how many "white" people
have fairly recent ancestors of color? I do. My paternal great-grandmother was African American and I am so very proud to be the great granddaughter of this magnificent woman who raised my Grandfather and Great Aunt. They were people of tremendous integrity and wisdom who spent their entire lives helping others. Sadly, there are people who would deny. Racism is beyond evil!
Republican Talking (whispering) Points: 1. Religion is the opiate of the masses. 2. Divide
and conquer. 3. Do as I say, not as I do.
I don't know how those POS repuke senators who voted against Judge Brown can
look in the mirror. The "party" should change their color from red to yellow!
Re. Smith/Rock Debacle and for this reason: As Smith and Rock may be role models for young men, I
find their behavior intolerable.
Great to see Joe walking up and down Air Force One steps not needing railings AND with
no toilet paper on his shoe!
Watching the shitshow confirmation hearing. How does a person of intelligence, knowledge, integrity
answer a stupid, irrelevant question posed by a fast-talking, uninformed, obnoxious asshole whose only mission is to gain notoriety for being a fast-talking, obnoxious asshole. Jeez!!!
Love Trump - Love Putin: trumputins
Watching Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. Sounds as if she has a buzz on.
Does anyone see a correlation between the outrageous response by the Olympic
Committee to the Russian skater's doping and the Russian military's menacing presence at the Ukrainian border? As in we need to tip toe around Putin.
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