SheilaAnn's JournalI'm looking at the close-ups of the men in this audience and I believe they are sincerely taking
Hillary seriously. Not too sure it wasn't lip service before but not now. She is hitting on some important things that attract the interest of men and they are liking what they hear...IMO..
What the hell has gotten into Rachel? Not impressed with BC at the beginning but then he found
himself and got into it. Wha??? I am so done with her and MSNBC. Even Brian was so quiet and sullen-like after the best speech I've heard since Michelle last night. Gaaaaaaaa
I think these people want to get out of there, go for a drink or head home, very little
energy. He's a tiring person, he just sucks the air right out of the room.
God forgive me but I'm starting to gain a certain restrained respect for Ted Cruz this a.m.
He's playing a dangerous game but the media is covering his very good speech to the Texas Republican delegates and they seem to heartily approve. This takes courage (let's face it, he has nothing to lose at this point) and he is explaining his actions pretty well. I'm sure I'll get over this but it is quite enjoyable to watch..
If the "Never Trump" effort should come to fruition, I think this is why the donald is going home
until..? This way he is already out of there and does not have to be humiliated as I think he might otherwise. Just speculating of course.
Just listening to MSNBC discussing the cancellation and reasons for it on the
Trump announcement. Perhaps I didn't hear it all but not one pundit had the courage to mention that he cancelled because he wouldn't get any coverage. Not one.
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