aspirant's JournalCalifornia rallies
They keep coming one after the other and Huuuuuuge
Who was it that was saying when Bernie changed the California management team he was giving up and broke?
Seems like he's got some huuuuge talent here.
If Hills is elected President
would she use a private server again?
It wasn't allowed at State yet she ignored it and if not allowed at the Presidency why wouldn't she ignore it once more?
At that point she appoints the cabinet, (cronies) possesses pardoning power and has locked up Congressional support (superdelegates) so to think a Repub impeachment would scare her into submission is silly. Spying agencies would dig up plenty of dirt on pro-impeachment folks.
The Clinton Foundation, without any FOIA oversight will then demand donations for every single Government dollar spent The Clintons then become mega-billionaires and democracy is gone.
For anyone who says she is above the law without indictment, get ready for the final dismantling of America
A calculated choice
Why would Hills choose SoS with the positions of Attorney General, head of DoD, CIA director, FBI director and others available for the pickings.
Has the SoS position on one's resume been a natural, proven launching pad for the Presidency? Hubby Bill found a governorship as the answer.
Hills problem
An Iraq vote, horrific as it was, was within the rules and laws on the Senate floor.
As SoS her actions were rule and law breaking and "It was a mistake" doesn't cut it in a law abiding society
Lumping all her wrongs together with the same alibi is reckless and unacceptable.
There must be concern for Hills supporters, not the Bernie crowd.
If you don't show up to the caucus that counts and rally to the primary that's worthless, where did these geniuses get their political smarts?
SoS rules
If Hills can break SoS rules with no consequences, Bernie supporters can break DNC convention rules too.
Clarifications on primary rules
"He also called on all parties to agree that conventions should proceed without interruption or interference of any manner, including auditory or visual distractions.
Does this mean they have the power to eject Bernie Supporters from the convention floor eliminating their votes?
Secondly, if Hills gets indicted after the convention and is forced to withdraw, does the rules require a second convention to pick a nominee or just a back room deal? At that point wouldn't their allegiance to a candidate be no longer binding since they have already voted?
Clarifications on primary rules
"He also called on all parties to agree that conventions should proceed without interruption or interference of any manner, including auditory or visual distractions.
Does this mean they have the power to eject Bernie Supporters from the convention floor eliminating their votes?
Secondly, if Hills gets indicted after the convention and is forced to withdraw, does the rules require a second convention to pick a nominee or just a back room deal? At that point wouldn't their allegiance to a candidate be no longer binding since they have already voted?
Bernie must keep his word at all costs
yet Hills can evolve on any issue.
Is it time for Bernie to evolve on the DNC and Dem party
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Member since: Wed Nov 5, 2014, 10:47 PMNumber of posts: 3,533