NurseJackie's JournalOur elected representatives need to avoid this type of tit-for-tat never-ending back-and-forth...
Our elected representatives need to avoid these types of tit-for-tat never-ending back-and-forth Twitter wars and feuds. It really accomplishes nothing meaningful. Sure, individual fans will be pumping-fists and giving high-fives... but when it comes to actually effectuating consequential change, or softening hearts and tamping down the heat... things like this never help. Nobody's mind is being changed. It's just a way to make sure the people dig-in their heels... refusing to budge or find common ground. It's just more gasoline on the fire.
All I'm trying to say is that I wish our elected representatives would stop engaging in this type of behavior and focus their attention on more vital matters. Please.
What would Obama do? What would Nancy do? What would Biden do? --- Do that.
I hope that ALL of our elected representatives will support this...
... I've had just about enough of people voting against GOOD legislation and GOOD reform simply because it wasn't "perfect" or because compromises had to be made in order to find common ground. I'm sick of people LYING and making FALSE CLAIMS about what new legislation does (or doesn't) do for no other reason than to Tweet lies, showboat and grandstand. Our country's elected representatives need to care more about its citizens than they do about themselves and their precious careers. The attention-seeking politicians, the "look at me-me-me, ME!" politicians are worthless. The ones who use Twitter as a platform for feuding rather than informing are the ones who hold us back. Those are the ones who need to be primaried and voted out of office. The more rational and reasonable Democrats we have in the House and in the Senate, the better off our nation will be.
Get rid of the idiots, the obstructionists, and the traitors!
"I want my country back!"
Actually, Pelosi and Schumer would have been better examples...
Land! Brace yourselves for another hissy fit. He's going to clinch his fists and...
... stomp his way up the marble stairs in his brand new, high-gloss, patent leather shoes. Click click click! Lordy mercy! It does appear to me that the delicately mannered Southern Gentleman from South Carolina is so angry that he has worked up a sweat. See how his forehead glistens. Before you know it, he'll storm off to his room, slam the door behind him. Next, he'll hop up on his sister's canopy bed and start pulling the heads off of all her dollies. He gets mean and destructive when he's mad.
Good grief! Listen to him trying to talk tough! What a joke! He's just a spoiled little boy trying to convince everyone he's a macho man... but inside, he's a temperamental child... a privileged brat... living a very sheltered overly-protected life. He answers to nobody and thinks he can get away with anything.
Perhaps that's true... he answers to nobody and gets away with a lot... for now. But surely that can't last forever. It's only a matter of time before his luck runs out. Tick-tock, Mr. "G". Tick. Tock.
I don't care what she "thinks" ... but I care that she's telling LIES about Democrats.
Her big-lies stick and harm our party, our Democratic leaders, and our efforts to make progress. She's toxic and divisive. The things she says weaken support for Democrats and the Democratic agenda. She creates distrust and resentment.
We have a sacred obligation to respond to call-out her lies. She's a stupid woman. She need to be silenced.
Put a god damned muzzle on her!
Sadly, if nobody responds to her big-lies they grow and become accepted as the truth. We MUST...
... respond and refute. She's a very stupid woman. She's a vain and egotistical woman... she's very dangerous.
For the past four years, we barely heard a word from her. For four years she could have been challenging Trump and the GOP (hell, she could be doing that NOW) but instead, she chooses to LIE about Democrats and our Democratic leadership.
What good purpose does it serve? She needs to be silenced. She's not helping, she's hurting. Put a muzzle on her.
He is who he is. Learn to live with it. Be happy he's a Democrat (I am!)
Enough of the hate and hand-wringing. Without him, there would be a Republican in his seat, the split would be 49-51 ... a two-vote deficit.
Well well well...
... if it isn't the delicate Southern Gentleman from South Carolina, world famous political showboater, making a fuss about political showboating. That's rich.
Land! I do believe he's about to have another hissy fit! He'll stop his feet until he gets his way! Someone pour him another mint julep, give him a paper fan, and sit him down in a white wooden rocker on the breezy side of the front porch! The aroma of magnolias and gardenias, and the sight of the Spanish moss waving in the gentle breeze might be soothing for him. He certainly does get worked up and emotional over the most inconsequential things. You can tell he's getting all flustered and bothered because his forehead is starting to glisten with little beads of perspiration.
For what reason are they doing this?
What's the goal? What do they want to accomplish?
Is this a real photo? Or is it one of the "prototype" photoshop jobs that, in the past, have been falsely claimed as being a "real" billboard (ie: the billboard claiming to be in the Atlanta area, but which was clearly a photoshop).
After seeing one obvious "fake" from this group, I now wonder if I can trust that any billboard of theirs is genuine (mobile or otherwise).
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