NurseJackie's JournalThat's not for me to say. But what I can tell you is that it serves no good purpose...
... for anyone to continue to spread toxic lies about the Biden administration and his justice department by insinuating that they're all corrupt, or incompetent, or lazy, or "in on it" or that they're "protecting Trump", etc etc, blah-blah-blah. The insinuations that Biden is clueless, that he has no idea what he's doing, that he can't be trusted to choose competent people for his own cabinet and administration is also a DANGEROUS LIE.
It's ridiculous and pointless... and harmful. This type of behavior makes about as much sense as blaming Biden for the supply-line bottlenecks and the inflation that's causing. Yet, people continue to do that... and other less-informed and gullible citizens believe it... and will sit-out the next election or vote for the GOP instead. All because of the undeserved criticism and blame that comes in a steady stream of toxic vomit that spews forth from impatient and unrealistic individuals.
It's a dangerous and selfish game.
I know, right? It's like reading dozens of Michael Moore posts scattered everywhere.
Doom and gloom predictions. Wild predictions and LOTS of them. If they don't come true, then they're forgotten and nobody is held accountable for being ridiculous. Or... as in the case of Moore... he'll take credit by saying that because of his "warning" people acted to avoid the doom he predicted.
And, inevitably... if someone makes ENOUGH crazy predictions (for example Sylvia Browne comes to mind) occasionally there's a "hit" (or something close to it). And when that happens, the other 99 misses are forgotten, but the one random "hit" his heralded as irrefutable proof that the naysayer and doom/gloom fetishist is a GENIUS.
It's all so silly. Just like Michael Moore, it's totally and completely ridiculous.
In the end, I think the best question is this: What useful purpose does it serve? It's just another example of how people are oddly willing to do and say things that create an atmosphere of fear and hopelessness and negativity. Negativity generates apathy. Apathy discourages voter turnout. Low voter turnout gives Republicans a chance to steal the elections.
Honestly, it's my personal belief that in some corners of the internet...
... there are a subset of individuals who will never be happy with anything the Democratic party does or accomplishes. Sarandon, Turner, West, Stein, Nader, Moore... along with a handful of others... have made it their goal in life, a sacred mission, to attack and smear and denigrate the Democratic party (and party leadership) at every possible moment. Some will even OPPOSE the party's efforts to make incremental PROGRESS by finding common ground. It's the same "all or nothing" philosophy that actually ends up halting progress rather than advancing it. Those pundits (and others) would rather indulge their egos rather than be willing to give-a-little in order to get-a-little, and forgetting that incremental progress is still progress --- while fooling themselves that receiving "nothing" as part of their all-or-nothing stubborn showboating is some sort of virtue to be admired. It's not.
All I'm trying to say is simply this: in the end people need to ask what useful purpose this strategy serves? It's never been successful in the past, so what good reason to they have for believing it will change going forward? It's just another example of how people are oddly willing to do and say things that lay undeserved blame at the feet of the Democratic party. It does nothing but to create an atmosphere of fear and hopelessness and negativity. Negativity generates apathy. Apathy discourages voter turnout. Low voter turnout gives Republicans a chance to steal the elections.
She compared Joe Biden to a BOWL OF SHIT and voted for JILL STEIN instead of Hillary.
That's all anyone needs to know about her. Honestly, I'm just astounded that ANY politician thinks it's a good idea to be associated with her. When anyone is chummy with Nina Fucking Turner, it really reveals a LOT to me about their character.
Long ago I stopped caring about the antivaxxers... now I also have ZERO pity for their families.
You and I think alike! -- Long ago I stopped caring about the antivaxxers
now I also have ZERO pity for their families.
Clearly these willing victims and martyrs do not care for themselves or for their loved ones... so why should I waste my emotions on them? Fuck 'em all.
Allow me to paraphrase Barbara Bush: They're not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
I wonder if it has anything to do with a constant stream of smears aimed at Democrats...
I wonder if it has anything to do with a constant stream of smears aimed at Democrats...
It really drives voters away from the Democratic party when some people falsely call Democrats things like "COASTAL ELITES". Other lies that I've often heard from disloyal politicians
It certainly doesn't help to motivate Democrats to come out and vote when they hear nothing but negativity and smears coming from certain individuals and "activists".
I think if we can get our "allies" to stop comparing Biden to a BOWL OF SHIT;
-- and to stop saying that Democrats are "the party of the one-percent";
-- and to stop saying that Democrats are "corrupt";
-- and to stop saying that Democrats are "ideologically bankrupt";
-- and to stop saying that Democrats are "no different than Republicans";
-- and to stop saying that Democrats are "feeble";
-- and to stop saying that Democrats are "war-hawks";
-- and to stop saying that Democrats "don't care about the middle class";
-- and to stop saying that Democrats "don't care about climate change";
-- and to stop creating and supporting "third parties" that siphon-off votes and sabotage elections;
-- and to stop encouraging voters to abandon Democrats by voting third-party;
-- and to stop making excuses for those voters who DO vote third-party; etc-etc-etc...
well... that would be a good start in getting MORE voters to support Democrats instead of "flocking to the GOP".
All I'm trying to say is that type of BS smears and attacks and other denigrating nonsense needs to stop, and when people call-out those lies and refute that type of negativity they shouldn't be harassed for doing so either.
One thing is clear: The lies and smears and attacks only serve to create an atmosphere of negativity: Negativity generates apathy. Apathy discourages voter turnout for Democrats. Low voter turnout gives Republicans a chance to steal the elections.
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