GulfCoast66's JournalThe United States holds all the aces with Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia must have something big on Trump.
If we cut off all military support for SA, which the House should vote to do in January, they would have almost no leverage against us. Their military would grind to a halt without spare parts and technical support. And turn to the Russians or Chinese as trump says they would do? They would have to start over as their crap is totally incompatible with our technology.
And oil? They supply 11% of our oil and besides, oil is sold on the open market and we have huge new sources coming on line or waiting for a slight increase in price to do so. It is not 1973. From a climate change stand point it is all Screwed to hell and back. But those are the facts.
We put the screws to them and they would have a new king in 6 months. Or would be rapidly collapsing. Why we favor them over Iran, which is a true threat, does not make sense to me.
It is so apparent that the leverage they have is not on the United States, but Trump. While I want the Russian inquiries to continue, I believe trump is equally as compromised to the Saudis. That whole hands on the glowing orb thing says it all.
The Democratic Party needs to pound this message home. Even some on the right are troubled by our total capitulation to them on the murder issue.
These Avenatti post have got to be trolling!
I just do not do OPs because I don't normally have anything that I think is of value. But all the post about this guy for the last 6 months is really pissing me off.
So this dude represents a porn star that Donald Trump fucked. And then in public defense of his client he goes on a twitter war with Trump and all the talking heads have him on because, you know, Porn Star. And he loves the publicity as defense lawyer do, for good reason.
So now he is representative of the Democratic Party? Total Bullshit.
I can't believe there are still so many post about him on DU, and even people here talking about him as a Democratic candidate for president? It boggles the mind.
Meanwhile, we have real public servants like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Marcia Fudge and so many more fighting to right this totally fucked ship of state?
I for one will fight against the attempt to turn DU into a reality TV talking platform. I am going to post a version of this post on every Avenatti OP that my time allows.
I love DU because it is a group of serious thinkers talking about serious subjects.
Stop talking about this clown.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: gulfcoast
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Current location: Florida
Member since: Tue Dec 1, 2015, 08:00 PM
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