peggysue2's JournalTurns Out I Jumped the Gun on Cassandra
The 'perfect match' liver was rejected by the surgeons. Ms.Toad reminded me of the possibility last night. I knew this, too, after my brother-in-law's transplant experience--a perfect match (tissue match) does not equate to the quality or 'perfect match' aspects of the individual organ. The final determination was made by the baby girl's lead surgeon. We were all caught up in the elation of the moment but failed to ask the pertinent question.
Live and learn.
Disappointing? Yes. My son and his wife texted around 3 am thoroughly bummed out.
This surgery will happen; we just need to wait a bit longer.
Thanks for all the kind words and support.
I'll keep the DU family updated.
Some good news for the Liver Are Us family
I was just informed the Pittsburgh Hospital has found a donor for my three-year old granddaughter Cassandra. Her liver transplant surgery is scheduled for 2 am and will take 12-18 hours. Her mom and dad are on their way racing from Philly to Pittsburgh to see, hug and love on this tiny warrior before she's wheeled into the OR. Double the good news in that the transplant team and surgeons said this is a perfect match.
Any blessings, prayers you can spare please send them in the direction of Pittsburgh.
For the Warrior Princess.
A Win for Cassandra!
I was just informed that Pittsburgh Hospital has found a liver for my grand daughter Cassandra. The transplant will begin at 2 am, a surgery that will last 12-18 hours. According to the surgeons, the donor is a perfect match. My son and daughter-in-law are racing to Pittsburgh as I write this.
Thanks in advance for the prayers, good wishes and those of you who donated to Cassandra's GoFundMe appeal. The DU family is part of this.
Liver Cancer is Us
Earlier in the year, I wrote about my grand-daughter Cassandra, who at the age of three had developed liver cancer, a very aggressive cancer that immediately threatened her life. Chemo has pushed the cancer back but her liver has been trashed. She is now on a liver donor list awaiting a transplant.
Friday afternoon, my husband received news that he, too, has liver cancer. The cancer was found early, two relatively small tumors. His case is complicated by diabetes and pre-existing liver disease (fatty liver/ non-alcoholic cirrhosis).
Anyone here have experience with liver cancer--what to expect, questions to ask? We have an appointment with the surgeon on Tuesday morning and another appointment Wednesday with an oncologist.
Any words of advice would be appreciated.
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Name: PegGender: Female
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Member since: Sat Feb 6, 2016, 07:31 PM
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