CoopersDad's JournalFederal stimulus includes wind, solar tax credit extensions, adds first US offshore wind tax credit
Dive Brief:Congress on Monday passed another stimulus package as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The package includes extensions on the solar and wind production tax credit (PTC) and investment tax credit (ITC), energy efficiency incentives, research and development "enhancements" for clean energy technologies and more, according to a joint statement from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and House Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
The relief package is the second implemented this year, and the first to extend aid to the renewable energy industry. It also includes several provisions from the Senate's American Energy Innovation Act, championed by Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., earlier this year, as well as from the House's companion bill. The inclusion marks the first time in 13 years Congress has passed comprehensive energy policy.
Historic film, The Wobblies. Link to free viewing.
Watch it here:
interesting...and a mostly forgotten topic
14 April 2011 |
The "Wobblies" was a nickname for a radical labor union that was founded in 1905. Unlike other unions of the day, the IWW was open to all people--regardless of gender or ethnicity as they were a very democratic organization. This and their anti-war stances were admirable--especially in WWI when the US went to war for no particular reason. They were also hard-core theoretical Marxists who believed in the ownership of industries by the workers. At the time, I guess I couldn't blame them--as working conditions at the time were often dangerous and some employers didn't seem to care about their welfare or decent wages. However, the Wobblies belief that all private ownership was evil and their looking towards eventual worldwide revolution scared the powers that be--particularly following the successful revolution in Russia.
The film is a well-constructed film--with lots of interviews with surviving union members from the early days and vintage footage. However, the film really does not seem like it was very objective, as it tended to present the story just from the Wobblies' point of view. In other words, the context for the labor problems and government persecution of the movement wasn't really explored--making them look virtuous and the government and bosses 100% evil. The members were definitely political prisoners--harassed by the government. also rather "pie in the sky" and selfish as well. Because there is no balance to this film, it might seem more like propaganda and loses a few points from me because of this. Here the story is simple--they are victims and all their post-WWI activities are ignored.
I can't stop laughing. Using the "baby filter" w videos of Melissa Carone, Trump:

Here's Joe and Trump at their debate. Joe is the mature one.
Stay safe, DU, and remember to laugh.

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