lapucelle's JournalThe Oscar Meyer Holiday Hostess Tree...
Trump tweeted this video shortly before he signed the farm bill. Strikes Down Mississippi's Awful Abortion Ban, Calls It 'Pure Gaslighting'
From New York Magazine's The Cut:
The state of Mississippi insists that the 15-week ban was passed in furtherance of the States legitimate interest in protecting the health of women, Judge Reeves wrote. But, given the sobering reality of maternal care in the state, the Court concludes that the Mississippi Legislatures professed interest in womens health is pure gaslighting.
The State ranks as the state with the most [medical] challenges for women, infants, and children but is silent on expanding Medicaid, he continued, citing a Newsweek article from earlier this year. Its leaders are proud to challenge Roe but choose not to lift a finger to address the tragedies lurking on the other side of the delivery room: our alarming infant and maternal mortality rates.
Read the full take down and the ruling here:
Why is there so much concern about 538?
Those are real time projections that update as results come in. As per Nate:
Jeff Toobin to Kobach: You've Devoted A Career to Stopping Black People & Poor People from Voting
Via Mediaite:
In fact, he said Kobach has made it a career of stopping black people and poor people from voting.
And he said it right to his face.
Funny how we're hearing today from the media that we are "stronger together"
and that "love trumps hate". What an inspirational message, but it's a little late.
The media and press need to take responsibility and apologize for their part in enabling and normalizing Trump's America.
Were the ratings and the revenue worth it?
Hillary Tribute --- Happy Birthday, Madame Secretary--- October 26
Adapted from an excerpt of the speech "Citizenship in a Republic", given by Theodore Roosevelt at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, 23 April 1910.
You can see more at the link.
RT correspondent (and former Miss New Jersey) just went into protected mode on twitter.
No one is yet certain whether she is cowering behind the locked door due to the reaction to her ill-advised tweet extolling the excellent living conditions in Stalin's gulags or hiding under the bed after she accidentally outed herself as a confused reactionary when she posted this:
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