Doodley's JournalTrumpery - the dictionary definition of Donald Trump
something without use or value; rubbish; trash; worthless stuff.
nonsense; twaddle:
His usual conversation is pure trumpery.
Archaic. worthless finery.
of little or no value; trifling, worthless; rubbishy; trashy.
Gutless Trump singles out Don Lemon in Twitter attack.
Wow, did you see how badly @CNN (Clinton News Network) is doing in the ratings. With people like @donlemon, who could expect any more?
If he has something to say, he should say it to Don Lemon's face, instead of hiding behind a phone.
CNN Poll of Polls shows its bias
Poll of polls (4 way):
Real Clear Politics: Clinton + 3
TPM: Clinton + 3.8
Huffington Post: Clinton +4
CNN: Clinton +2
NBC Poll - Clinton 5 points ahead!
Just hours ahead of the first 2016 presidential debate, Hillary Clinton continues to lead Donald Trump by 5 points, 45 percent to 40 percent, unchanged from last week, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.
Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson trails behind with 10 percent support, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein has 3 percent support.
Hillary Clinton's biggest mistake in my opinion
Hillary Clinton's trust levels are what are dragging her down - as a result of the Benghazi and email manufactured scandals. She let the Republicans get the upper hand and once you lose trust it is very, very difficult to get it back, with the consequence of risking Donald Trump becoming the leader of the free world.
Too late now, but this is how it should have been handled from Day 1.
Every single time, and when I say every single time, I mean every single time, she was asked about the deleted emails, she should have said:
"Yes, I am happy to discuss my emails, and I take responsibility for when I make mistakes, but I will only discuss this if you spend as much time asking questions about the 22 million emails that were deleted by my predecessors under the George W Bush administration."
In short, she should have made sure the Republicans were equally held to account, and that Republicans would know that in pursuing the email non-scandal that they would have to face scrutiny too.
If there was resistance by the media or by Republicans, she could say:
"Why is it that you want to spend time talking about my emails, but refuse to spend as much time talking about the 22 million emails deleted by Republicans? Is it because you hold me to a different standard because I am a woman?"
Benghazi - ditto about taking responsibility - plus talking points of Republicans cutting embassy security budgets, the 60 plus embassy related deaths under George W Bush, Republicans using deaths in Benghazi as a political football.
Republicans fight dirty. They have more inquiries into Benghazi and Hillary Clinton's emails than 9/11 and Iraq combined. Being passive has not worked. Democrats should have nipped it in the bud before it ruined Hillary Clinton's reputation.
Can DU members show concern about Hillary's narrowing poll lead without being called a troll?
We aren't talking about the possibility of a Republican getting into the White House. We are talking about a fascist, a narcissist, a bigot, a pathological liar, a thin-skinned bully who wants to always get even with those who stand up to him, a scam-artist, a man with plans that divide America, alienate our allies, put our security at risk and cause a worldwide recession.
Can DU members show concern about Hillary's narrowing poll lead without being called a troll or being accused or trolling, or being mocked? Do we have to have snarky and sometimes nasty comments attacking posters who are genuinely concerned that the Trump side is dominating the media day after day while the Hillary side is not effectively countering that or dealing with all the email crap, which should be a non-story anyway? Maybe some of the replies to this post will illustrate what I mean.
I agree. They don't share our values, don't pay taxes, they are dangerous and cause problems for all
They are the Trumps. Boot them out of America.
Trump logic: Syrians are terrorists, we will make a safe zone filled with Syrians.
Predictions for Trump's visit with the Mexican president.
My prediction:
Trump will B.S. about his visit with the Mexican president. Trump will either grossly exaggerate what Enrique Peña Nieto says, or flat out lie to make himself look tough.
The president of Mexico will then try to set the record right and imply Trump is a liar.
Trump will then take to Twitter and insult the Mexican president.
Trump will face a firestorm of media criticism, but he will double down to the applause of his core support.
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