LakeArenal's JournalSamuel L Jackson sings
Just saw Samuel L. Jackson singing on a Capital One Commercial..
That man can really sing.. Does he sing regularly? An album or anything?
Okay, this is stupid but....
I wanted to say this all afternoon.
Scarramucci, Scarramucci, can he do the Fandango?
Sorry, Queen....
I am the Elitist?
I am a college educated white woman. My dad paid for my whole education, I never had to work for a thing.
All my schooling was public. Elementary, middle, high school and a well rated public university.
Elitist? (of a person or class of persons) considered superior by others or by themselves.
I am not quite sure of that. I had the same education millions of other people's kids had. Same text books and exams: same teachers that every student had regardless of income or faith; just the fortune of parents that could foot the bill.
What about these home-schoolers and voucher schools? Aren't they supported by folks that say their values are better than mine? They don't want their kids associating with that riff raff at public schools. They can give their kids a better education than those union propagandist teachers. They know better what subjects their children should study and disseminate information as they see it, not according to science or fact.
They seem the elitists to me.. But what do I know, I had one of those public educations.
Why Macron invited Trump to France
PARIS This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.....
Despite Trumps staggering unpopularity in France not to mention the outrage over Macrons decision to invite his American counterpart to this countrys signature national holiday the newly minted French president appeared to make a daring gamble. With the United States increasingly isolated on the global stage, Macron sought to position himself as Trumps principal interlocutor in a region that has shown the White House little but disdain.....
It makes Macron the man who invites the powerful people of the world, said François Heisbourg, a French national security expert who advised the Macron campaign on terrorism. It instantaneously reset the image of France as a player.
But, but.... Freedom Fries!!!!!
Politics does indeed make strange bed fellows.
Republican thinks SS and Medicare a free ride...
I was speaking with a younger Republican who stated that Entitlements like Social Security and Medicare are a free ride for old people.
I was surprised how little folks really know.
I said to heck it is.. She was, why should I be paying for your retirement. I told her that FICA takes as much as 10 to 12 percent of your wages for your whole life.. The life you say I have been paying for all the retired people before me. You pay it in, when are we supposed to get it back.. Never?
I said in addition when you do retire and go on Medicare, this is what happens..
Let's use a$1000 SS check to make it easy. The month you go on Medicare they take $134 of your check to pay for Medicare.. But it seems like a double hit.. Because you now have a new bill to pay, but you monthly check is now only $866 to pay for it... Try living on $866 a month... Go ahead, try it.
In addition you need two additional policies... You need a Plan B for what Medicare doesn't cover. The costs depends on the plan you choose, but let's say $150.00 a month. So now your SS check is $716.. Try living on $716 a month. Go ahead, try it...
You're going to need a prescription plan.. Say $20 per month. Now, your SS check is $696 per month. Try living on $696 per month.. Go ahead, try it...
And don't forget, there's no dental insurance any more once you're on Medicare. If you want it, it starts at about $20 a month.. Well, you can do the math from there..
Free ride my ass...
She didn't want to believe me, but others verified my math.. She left saying, I had no idea..
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