True Dough
True Dough's JournalName the only two NFL players in league history with
8 straight games of 100 yards (or more) of receptions.
This one is tough. Scroll down for the answer.
Is genocide an overstatement for what's happening in America under Trump?
Hyperbole or reality? How far along are we, based on the steps below?
When you hire a carpenter, do you give a deposit up front?
I'm looking for one and got a quote today. He wanted 50% of the money up front for materials. I explained that we weren't comfortable with that idea because we nearly lost a deposit in the past from a non-responsive contractor who we were sure was just going to keep the money and never show up (he wound up returning it five weeks after saying he couldn't do the work after all).
Anyway, I told this carpenter that I'd meet him at his preferred place of business to purchase the supplies out of my own pocket and then the supplies could be stored in our home.
He said it wasn't just a matter of purchasing the supplies, it was about securing his services. He said without collecting deposits, he'd had too many occasions in the past where clients lined up work but then cancelled last minute, leaving him without work, and income, for days.
So I told him we'll have to keep looking. Our last carpenter never asked for a deposit. He purchased supplies out of his own pocket and then we paid him 50% when he had half the work done and the balance when he finished the job.
Would you book a room on the Titanic II?
This idea from a couple of years ago is supposedly going to come to fruition (but in 2022 now, instead of 2018 -- maybe never). If it does happen, would you sail on this ship, or are you too superstitious?
The ship, which will feature the same cabin layout as the original, will sail from Dubai to Southampton, England and then on to New York, tracing the North Atlantic route of its doomed namesake, which sunk on April 12, 1912, less than three hours after sideswiping an iceberg.
The new ship will carry almost exactly the same number of passengers (2,400) and crew (900) as the original, but more importantly, it will boast modern navigation and safety technology including plenty of lifeboats.
All eight musicians hired to play on the Titanic died in the tragedy. Violinist Wallace Hartley was the band leader. As the ship was sinking, rather than retiring to their rooms or trying to find lifeboats, they started to play in the first-class lounge. Over their uniforms, they strapped on their lifebelts and continued to play, even when it was becoming difficult to stand. When Wallace Hartley's body was recovered days later, this leather valise was still strapped to him holding his sheet music. The item is on display at National Geographic's exhibit 'Titanic: The Untold Story.' Photo courtesy of The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute
"Fake news!" No, fake scrolls!
German-based scholars tested the fragments and found that five "show characteristics inconsistent with ancient origin and therefore will no longer be displayed at the museum."
CNN raised questions about the museum's Dead Sea Scroll fragments in an article published last November, as the Green family prepared to unveil their new, $500 million museum. At 430,000 square feet, and with views of the Capitol, the Bible museum represents a significant investment for its evangelical founders.
Now scholars say the Dead Sea forgeries could be part of the most significant sham in biblical archeology since the "Gospel of Jesus' Wife," a fiasco that hoodwinked a Harvard scholar and made worldwide news in 2012. Some scholars estimate that as many as 70 forged fragments have hit the market since 2002.
Ted Nugent calls his omission from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame "sacrilege"
Would like you to find a human being and believe them when they say Ted Nugent should not be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? I would love to witness that exchange. You would see a person almost melt with guilt because you know they are lying. At the end of the day, its not about me its about the music. James Hetfield said it best when Metallica was inducted: Ted Nugent not being in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is a joke. Ted Nugent is rock and roll.
Can we get some support for Mr. Cat Scratch Fever himself here, DU???
Nah, I didn't think so.
David Crosby, what are your feelings about Ted Nugent?

Can you name the three QBs of the modern era who have beaten all 32 NFL teams?
The answer is found below. Only you know whether you had the answer before scrolling down...
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