Shell_Seas's JournalParker County GOP Pass Racist Resolution, Plan To Denounce America
Not only has Parker County GOP passed a racist resolution, but this county party has also been bought and paid for by a far-right extremist, and tonight (3/5/21) they are meeting to denounce America.
HD2 Representative Bryan Slaton Introduces Racist Bill
Bryan Slaton's racist new bill directly targets the hundreds of statues, which celebrate the anti-American traitors who wanted to keep slavery in Texas.
Podcast The Living Blue In Texas Podcast Is Coming
In our gerrymandered state, where the culture wars are raging and Texas Republicans have designated themselves the warriors of liberty, the Living Blue in Texas Podcast will be your voice of sanity.
Is this ok to post here? I'm super excited about this!
Rep. Ronny Jackson made sexual comments, drank alcohol and took Ambien while working at White House
Oh, hell no! Ronny Jackson, you already know we don't like you because you're a seditious liar. Now, this? It's time for you to resign.
Man faces up to 10 years in prison for GoFundMe donation in Police Chiefs name
Local faces up to 10 years in prison for GoFundMe donation in Police Chief's name in connection with PRO Gainesville.
Important Details The Dallas Observer Missed About Rural Confederate Statues
The Dallas Observer wrote a great article this morning if you missed it. However, it only scratched the surface of the issue surrounding the Confederate statues still standing in North Texas.
Why GOP's Objection To Certify Election Was Different Than Previous Years
Previously when Democrats objected to certifying an election they had proof and it was based on bad deeds by the GOP. In 2021, the GOP based their objections on lies.
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