Shell_Seas's JournalWe need to listen to experts. Not opinions.
We need to listen to experts. Not opinions. Democratic Candidate for Texas SD1, Audrey Spanko, makes a compelling argument on why our current leaders have failed in their COVID response.
A Timeline of Greg Abbott's Coronavirus Response
It is now clear to everyone. Abbott's coronavirus response is about staying in Trump's favor, pandering to his donors, and appeasing RWNJs. (Updated)
Abbott Betrayed Texas and Things Are About to Get Bad
Abbott betrayed Texas, he didn't listen to CDC guidelines, opened up too fast, pandered to Trump, undermined county judges, and Texans have to pay for it.
Democrats Can Flip Texas' 2nd Congressional District and Oust Dan Crenshaw
We Can Flip Texas' 2nd Congressional District and Oust Dan Crenshaw. The GOP brand of hate is coming to an end. Vote Blue!
Abbott Touts Personal Responsibility in Today's Press Conference
Abbott's personal responsibility plan to combat COVID-19 is putting us on a path towards having the highest cases in America. His number one goal is keeping businesses open.
Chip Roy's Chief of Staff, Wade Miller, goes Unhinged and Racist on Social Media
Wade Miller, who is Chief of Staff for Chip Roy, is the epitome of the modern-day Conservative party. Unhinged, angry, racist, and ignorant.
How Partisan Gerrymandering has Hurt Texas' US House District 1
Extreme partisan gerrymandering has given Texas' 1st congressional district RWNJ Louie Gohmert 17 years to constantly vote to hurt his own constituents.
Texas' New COVID Cases Peak At 2,622; Governor Abbott Says All is Good
Today's new COVID cases are 2,622. No matter what Abbott is saying, Texas is open for businesses, and it's going to get worse in the next few months.
Ted Cruz Just Challenged a 70-Year-Old Man to Fight Another Man
US Senator Ted Cruz is a total wimp and just challenged a 70-year-old-man to fight another man. We couldn't even make this stuff up if we tried. This type of stuff writes itself.
Ken Paxton is Aiming for Voter Intimidation, Worried About Blue Wave Coming
Out of fear that Texas could turn blue, Ken Paxton is using voter intimidation to scare people away from voting.
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