Shell_Seas's JournalKnowing the Divide: An Interview with a Pro-Reparations Trump Voter
The conversation gave me insight, I hope it gives you insight as well.
McKinney Continues to Grapple with Race
Another Tuesday night in McKinney with emotions running high has come and gone. While they continue to have their struggles with race, but the residents of District 1 continue to remain strong.
When Failure to Render Aid is as Deadly as the Bullet
If all lives matter, why did the blue lives who responded to the officer-involved shooting of TreShun not attempt to save his life?
The Time John Cornyn Lied About Caring for Civil Rights to Win Election
John Cornyn has a long history of saying and doing whatever it takes to climb to the top. Now that this 70-year-old man is in the Senate, likely raking in millions from dark money, he'll do and say whatever he can to stay there.
John Cornyn loves George Wallace
The Texas Observer, circa 2002
HD 25 Needs a State Representative that Will Work for Them
HD 25 Needs a State Representative that Will Work for Them. It's going to take a lot of work, but I do believe this candidate has a shot.
As the World Turns in the Harris County Republican Party
What we are all witnessing is the very public implosion of the Harris County Republican Party. And where the HCRP goes, Texas goes.
Huge Rally of White Trump Supporters Show Up at Black Church in Dallas
Some are speculating that this was a trial run, so they can see what they can get away with. Considering the racial tension bubbling over in many of the rural areas outside of DFW, this speculation may not be so far fetched.
Peaceful Protesters Return to Weatherford
This time, the violent and armed pro-Confederates were nowhere to be found.
John Cornyn's 1999 Advice Column Warns Pagers Signal Gang Affiliation
Did y'all know that when John Cornyn was the AG he did an advice column? Check out this one about how pagers are a sign of teenage gang affiliation.
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