Shell_Seas's JournalGOP To Strengthen White Supremacy Out Of Fear of Critical Race Theory
While most Republicans can't define what "Critical Race Theory" is, they've started a crusade against it, in turn offering up bills to strengthen white supremacy and systematic racism.
Which Republicans Voted Against Saving Victims Of Sex Trafficking?
As The World Turns Around The 87th Legislature - Episode 1:
Which Republicans Voted Against Saving Victims Of Sex Trafficking?
Election Night Was A Disaster For Arlington Democrats
Arlington Democrats had a good shot at carrying District Six, flipping the district, and getting a good mayor. But when election day came, they decided to stay home. Post-dissemination.
Disaster for Democrats in TX06 special election.
I'm so angry right now because this is my district, (I live in the blue area of the map below). All Democrats in Arlington had to do was show up. I don't have the final turnout numbers. Several of these areas which are red are predominately Black and Hispanic. They were also blue in the presidential race.
TX06 will be a runoff between Susan Wright and Jake Elzie, both hard-right Trumpers.
Then, Arlington's mayor race is going to a runoff between Jim Ross and Michael Gillespie. Ross was the big business candidate and Gillespie is a Trumper.
Briscoe Cain Went Full-On Fascist In Racist Attack On Voting Rights
Democracy dies in the darkness. Briscoe Cain launched a full-on racist attack on voting rights. The Texas GOP is trying to kill democracy and Briscoe Cain is driving the ship.
Republicans In Texas State House Vote To Support Racism
Last night, under cover of darkness, Briscoe Cain pushed SB7 through the election committee without any public testimony. You have to see this jaw-dropping moment when State Representative Jessica González introduced amendments that specifically would have protected Black and brown people from these racist voter suppression laws. Every single Republican on the committee voted against it. All five of them.
Briscoe Cain, Travis Clardy, Jacey Jetton, Mike Schofield, and Valoree Swanson all stood a stand last night. They support racism. Period.
Republican Sex Scandal Exposed And Texts With Hate Speech Leaked
You're probably going to want to take a shower after you read this story. Five months after Living Blue TX broke a story about the alleged affair between Lacey Hull and Cole Hefner, new sources and leaked texts hit Republican media. There was a mafia-style attempted cover-up by Valoree Swanson, and in the leaked messages, published by Current Revolt, Hull bashes Dade Phelan, Paul Bettencourt, and Dan Patrick.
Travis Clardy And The Confederacy's Last Stand
Travis Clardy comes from a family of slave owners, Confederates, and white supremacists. It should be no surprise that he voted to make sure the Jim Crow statues in Texas stay where they are.
The TEXAS State Senate pass police reform bills. (SHOCKING! Right?)
This is GREAT news, extremely surprising, but GREAT, all the same. SB 2212 and SB 68, have passed the Senate, both receiving 31-0 votes. These bills will require a police officer to render aid and mandate that cops must intervene or file a report on other cops regarding police brutality. They've both passed the Senate and are on their way to the House.
SB 2212:
Police Training That Teaches "Enjoy The Kill" Now In Texas
"Kill without empathy," and other lessons brought to you by the Killology Research Group, the police training workshop that has been traveling all around the country for years.
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