Shell_Seas's JournalDomestic Terrorists Threaten Violence And Harass WilCo Residents
De-Confederate Georgetown has had a booth on Williamson County square during Market Days, asking for petition signatures for two years. But, unfortunately, this weekend, TITFF made up and spread lies, then showed up armed, ready to commit violence against WilCo residents.
Greg Abbott And The GOP's Fascist Movement In The State Of Texas
Once, just an idiotic Republican, Greg Abbott, and other Republican leaders have joined the fascist movement sweeping the country and stop at nothing to maintain control.
There are no pediatric ICU beds in all of north Texas.
This is really terrifying.
Bettencourt Uses Anti-Semitic Trope, Then Scolds Jewish Woman When Called Out
Paul Bettencourt, who once resigned from his job for purging Hispanic voters from the voting rolls, used racist language in a Senate hearing, and when called out on it, scolded a Jewish woman.
Travis Clardy, Infected With Covid And Symptomatic Showed Up For Work
While symptomatic, Travis Clardy went to our State Capitol with Covid so that Republicans could try to establish quorum and pass voter suppression legislation.
Infrastructure and Budget. But what about voting rights?
NYT posted the other day that a source said Schumer would bring up voting rights before they went home for August, but I haven't seen or heard anything else about the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, or Jon Osoff's new bill.
Does anyone know what's going on? Have y'all heard anything?
I'm in Texas, so it's a big deal down here.
Texas House Republicans Caught Saying Quiet Part On Hidden Camera
Matt Krause, Justin Holland, and Cole Hefner caught on camera admitting their voter suppression bill is a power grab and has nothing to do with election integrity.
Houston Baby with COVID-19, in need of an ICU bed, was airlifted to a hospital 150 miles away
Because the most populous county in Texas was out of pediatric ICU beds. This makes me so fucking mad. And school starts in one week.
Greg Abbott Wants To Kill Your Children
The Delta Variant is sending children to the ICU at a much higher rate than the initial strain, and Governor Abbott signed executive orders to prevent schools from keeping children safe.
Abbott calls a new special session to begin at noon on Saturday and he's added more wish list items.
Including legislation making sure schools cannot protect children from the Delta Variant and changing quorum rules.
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