HAB911's JournalRepublican tax law hits churches
Republicans have quietly imposed a new tax on churches, synagogues and other nonprofits, a little-noticed and surprising change that could cost some groups tens of thousands of dollars.
Their recent tax-code rewrite requires churches, hospitals, colleges, orchestras and other historically tax-exempt organizations to begin paying a 21 percent tax on some types of fringe benefits they provide their employees.
After on-air racial slur, top DeSantis fundraiser reportedly suspended from Fox News
A prominent Donald Trump surrogate and member of Ron DeSantis's national finance team used a racial slur during an appearance on Fox News over the weekend.
Monday evening, the Daily Beast reported that the comment had prompted the cable news channel to temporarily suspended him for two weeks.
Video clips from the Sunday appearance show David Bossie, Trump's former deputy campaign manager, get into heated debate with Democratic strategist Joel Payne, who was also appearing on "Fox & Friends Weekend."
Bossie and Payne were debating Democrat's assertions that Trump is racist when Bossie asked Payne: "Are you out of your cotton-picking mind?" Payne is black.
I just listened to talking heads on CNN
this morning about how there is nothing to be gained by fighting back and how it is just a trap to act like Trump.
I wanted to ask them, well, what did the GOOD Germans do during the rise of Hitler? Let's do the opposite, shall we?
Supreme Court clears way for Sonoma County deputy to be tried
in shooting of boy with a pellet gun
he Supreme Court on Monday allowed parents to press ahead with a lawsuit against a Sonoma County sheriffs deputy who shot and killed their 13-year-old son who was walking on a sidewalk carrying a plastic pellet gun.
The justices without comment or dissent denied the countys appeal seeking immunity for the officer. The courts decision clears the way for the parents wrongful-death suit to go before a jury.
In recent years, the high court has repeatedly blocked lawsuits against law enforcement officers for using excessive force, but it refused to do so in the case of Gelhaus vs. Lopez.
The shooting of Andy Lopez on an October afternoon on a sidewalk in Santa Rosa sparked protests and rallies five years ago. The 5-foot-3 boy was seen carrying a plastic gun that Deputy Erick Gelhaus, an Iraq war vet, thought might be an AK-47.
The federal government says this man rightfully owns Havana's cruise port
The United States government knows him as certified foreign claim number CU-2492. But he wants to make a more personal introduction to Tampa Bay.
He is Mickael Behn, a 43-year-old U.S. citizen residing in England, where he works in television production.
And, according to the U.S. Department of Justices Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, Behn is the rightful owner of Havana Harbor, the cruise ship terminal for Cubas capital city.
The harbor was taken from Behns family when the socialist government nationalized property without compensation.
U.S. Navy plans immigrant internment camps to detain tens of thousands in CA, AL, AZ
An internal document shows the U.S. Navy has developed a plan to construct 'austere' tent cities capable of holding tens of thousands of immigration detainees on remote bases in California, Alabama and Arizona.
The Navy planning doc obtained by TIME says two sites in California could house up to 47,000 immigrants each, two sites in Alabama could host 25,000.
Re: Pentagon sending military lawyers to border to help prosecute immigration cases
https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/immigration-border-crisis/pentagon-sending-military-lawyers-border-help-prosecute-immigration-cases-n885216why this doesn't fall under Posse Comitatus?
The purpose of the act in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
Flight attendant: I won't work flights that separate immigrant kids from families
'I will no longer be complicit'
For the past 29 years I have been a flight attendant for a major U.S. airline. Several weeks ago, I worked two flights (one to San Antonio and the other to McAllen) which proved to be two of the most disturbing flights I've ever experienced in my career.
How can keeping thousands of people in cages
NOT be a fire code violation? I'm sure it would be in FL, but Texas having no zoning or fire codes would not surprise me.
Banking Problems Hit Japan
Recently the Origami Bank has folded, and Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches.
Yesterday, it was announced that Karaoke Bank is up for sale and will likely go for a song, while today shares in Kamikaze Bank were suspended after they nose-dived.
Samurai Bank is soldiering on, following sharp cutbacks, Ninja Bank is reported to have taken a hit, but they remain in the black.
Furthermore, over 500 employees at Karate Bank got the chop and analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank.
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