HAB911's JournalA lobbying group funded almost entirely by Publix just gave $100K
to 'proud NRA sellout' Adam Putnam
A lobbying group that receives almost all of its funding from Publix is actively supporting self-described "proud NRA sellout" and Florida governor candidate Adam Putnam.
Just six days after Publix announced they would suspend political donations, the right-wing trade group Florida Retail Federation (FRF), which is heavily funded by the Lakeland-based grocery chain, donated $100,000 to Adam Putnam's Florida Grown political action committee.
Last month, nationwide protests led by Parkland school shooting survivor and outspoken NRA critic David Hogg broke out after a report from the Tampa Bay Times showed that Publix gave an unprecedented $670,000 to Putnam over the course of three years.
Publix responded by saying they would suspend all political donations on May 25.
Business says its reputation tanked after shunning LGBTQ group, sues for $2.3M
A Portland business that claims its reputation nosedived after it turned away an LGBTQ customer based on orders from Holy Rosary Church filed a $2.3 million lawsuit this week against the church.
Ambridge Event Center rented out a large space at 1333 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. to the public for conventions, weddings and other parties, according to the lawsuit. The business leased the space from the buildings owner, Holy Rosary Church, and was under strict orders laid out in a morals clause to turn away business from the gay and lesbian community, the suit states.
In February 2015, the Ambridge Event Center followed the churchs orders by telling an African American LGBTQ support group, the PFLAG Portland Black Chapter, that it couldn't rent out the space for the groups annual party, according to the suit and media coverage at the time.
After a spate of bad press, Ambridge Event Center claims that government agencies and businesses not associated with the LGBTQ community wanted nothing to do with the event center, the suit says.
White soldiers used black child for target practice
during grim chapter in Tampas history
TAMPA The African-American military troops known as the Buffalo Soldiers stopped in Tampa 120 years ago while on their way to help free Cuba from the rule of an oppressive Spain.
But their time spent in Tampa served as a reminder of their own oppression. White-owned businesses would not serve them. White residents would not respect them. And 120 years ago, on June 6, 1898, when white soldiers used a black child for target practice, a riot erupted.
The Buffalo Soldiers are memorialized locally through a krewe that bears their name and takes part in parades like Gasparilla.
"Its one of these ugly moments we cannot forget is part of our story" said Fred Hearns, a historian of Tampas African-American history. "Shooting at a black kid for target practice. Think about it. People supported that once."
Manafort Learns Encrypting Messages Doesn't Matter
If the Feds Have a Warrant to Search Your iCloud Account
Federal prosecutors have accused Paul Manafort of witness tampering, alleging that he used WhatsApp and Telegram in an attempt to coordinate his testimony with old business associates. Manafort, Donald Trumps former campaign manager, may have thought that he was being sneaky by using encrypted chat apps, but Manafort just learned the hard way that strong encryption doesnt really matter if youre backing up your messages to the cloudespecially when the federal government gets a warrant to access your iCloud account.
What humans will look like on Mars
Colonizing Mars might be the best chance to ensure the human species survival in the future. In order to adapt to Mar's hostile living conditions, our bodies will evolve in ways that might end up with a completely new species of human. Following is a script of the video.
When it comes to colonizing new worlds, Mars could be humanity's best option.
But the journey won't be like it was in the past for pioneers like Ferdinand Magellan, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, and Neil Armstrong.
This new frontier will be the most extreme challenge yet. It's not just learning how to survive on an alien planet with less oxygen, a weaker gravitational pull, and more harmful radiation. It's enduring the changes that these extreme conditions will have on the human body manipulating it in ways that we can only begin to imagine.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex depart Windsor Castle
for a reception hosted by The Prince of Wales at Frogmore House, in a silver blue Jaguar E-Type Concept Zero. This vehicle was originally manufactured in 1968, and has since been converted to electric power
The WH hosted military spouses today.
Our armed forces are 40% non-white. The odds that -- BY CHANCE -- a group of 52 military spouses would contain no people of color are lower than 100 trillion to 1. So, umm....
Lockheed Martin prepares to turn on U.S. Air Force Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll
SAN FRANCISCO In June, Lockheed Martin plans to complete integration of the U.S. Air Force Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands and begin tracking objects, at least in a testing mode.
Full integration and testing is scheduled to begin in July as the company confirms the S-band radar array meets all contractual requirements.
After that, we will turn it over to the Air Force for testing and trials, said Bruce Schafhauser, Lockheed Martin Space Fence program manager.
As companies prepare to send hundreds or thousands of satellites into communications constellations in low Earth orbit, government agencies and commercial satellite operators are calling for enhanced space situational awareness and space traffic management.
Eric Schneiderman asks to close loophole that could let Trump pardons block state charges
Eric Schneiderman asks to close loophole that could let Trump pardons block state charges
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on Wednesday asked state legislators and Gov. Andrew Cuomo to close a loophole that could let recipients of pardons for federal crimes from President Donald Trump avoid state criminal charges.
Schneiderman said he was asking for the loophole to be eliminated because of "disturbing news" that Trump "may be considering issuing pardons that may impede criminal investigations."
Shortly after Schneiderman made his request, state Sen. Todd Kaminsky, a Democrat and former federal prosecutor who represents a district on Long Island, announced he would introduce a bill seeking to accomplish the attorney general's goal."
Schneiderman, a Democrat, is a long-time antagonist of Trump. Shortly after the presidential election in 2016, he obtained a $25 million settlement for customers of Trump University who claimed to have been swindled by that entity.
Scientists develop 'mutant' enzyme that eats plastic (PET)
Scientists have developed an enzyme which is able to "digest" some of the planet's most commonly polluting plastics.
Undertaken by teams at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the U.K.'s University of Portsmouth, the research could potentially lead to a "recycling solution" for plastic bottles made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which lingers in the environment for hundreds of years.
The researchers were initially examining the crystal structure of PETase, an enzyme that can digest PET, in order to understand how it works. But during their research, the scientists managed to engineer an enzyme that was more effective at "degrading" the plastic than the naturally occurring one, which was recently discovered in the soil of a Japanese recycling plant.
"Serendipity often plays a significant role in fundamental scientific research and our discovery here is no exception," John McGeehan, director of the Institute of Biological and Biomedical Sciences in the School of Biological Sciences at Portsmouth, said in a statement Monday.
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