HAB911's JournalAir Force One arrives in Tampa today
As the artist saw the arrival for the current occupant
As the camera saw the arrival
I thought perhaps some might enjoy
a sample of a sequence of 12 taken back in my film days. continuing my slide scanning....................
I was working at Kennedy Space Center and got an opportunity to access the VIP viewing area. It was one of the most memorable events of my life. The air pulses and beats on your entire body. The oldtimers however were not so impressed, those that were there for the Saturn 5 which was much more powerful.
For the technically minded, these were taken with a Nikon F2 and 500mm catadioptric or mirror lens on Ektachrome.
Mission: SBS-D; Satellite Business System SYNCOM IV-2; Solar Wing TELSTAR
Space Shuttle: Discovery
Launch Pad: 39A Launched: August 30, 1984 at 8:41:50 a.m. EDT
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: Atlanta, Gerogia
Home country: USA! USA! USA!
Current location: Tampa, Florida
Member since: Wed Sep 7, 2016, 05:45 AM
Number of posts: 9,469