HAB911's JournalEveryone is invited to a Custom Car Show Circa 1991
Brought to you by Kodachrome, They give us those nice bright colors, even after 30 years
See how many self-portraits of moi you can find, lol
Everyone is invited!
Just finished the initial build of a website for my photography
I have looked for some time for the best way to share with family and friends. Many thanks to AndyS for pointing me to SmugMug, it fits my style and purpose more than the first site I tried, and is in a different league altogether from my FB photography page.
You are all invited to view the work, at https://jamesdevore.smugmug.com/
I apologize in advance for the sheer quantity of photos., 60 years behind a camera creates a diverse wide-ranging set of subjects. Even so, there is more to come as slides are scanned and I assign myself new projects.
Linger on the homepage for a sample slideshow and then hit BROWSE to enter. The NEW! NEW! NEW! button on the home page leads to the most recent additions and will allow viewing just those when alerted. Please share with anyone you think might be interested.
Certainly, any comments or questions are welcomed and I hope you enjoy!
Another late afternoon shot I consider a failure
I can imagine this with the moon as sharp as the vulture photo and will keep trying to achieve that.
This failed because somehow my shutter speed was 1/100 sec, waaaaaaaaay too slow for this shot which introduced fatal motion blur. I was able to save the heat signature behind the plane. Neither the plane nor the moon are of acceptable quality and I will not add this to my website.
This plane is at 5000' and 5 nautical miles, on approach to TIA. What I am really after is one at 35,000' with a nice contrail crossing the moon, similar to the 747 I posted a couple of week ago. This has been elusive!
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: Atlanta, Gerogia
Home country: USA! USA! USA!
Current location: Tampa, Florida
Member since: Wed Sep 7, 2016, 05:45 AM
Number of posts: 9,401