Ka-Dinh Oy
Ka-Dinh Oy's JournalI think I felt a prick...not sure.
All done. I wore my Biden 2020 mask to celebrate that he helped make this possible.
I am not to young anymore!!
Got a text telling me I now qualify for the COVID-19 vaccination!!
I went to My Chart to sign up but it would not allow me because the site had not caught up with the change so I called Providence and after 10 minutes of being on ignore someone told me what was going on with the site and then set up my appointment. I am getting vaccinated on Thursday the 8th at 11:15!!
It turns out from the info I got from the person I spoke with that everybody ( at least all adults ) with providence qualify. I am not sure if it is Providence everywhere or just in Washington state.
After finding out this info I wanted to share with anyone who might still be having problems and hope this info would help them.
I just can't believe I am happy and excited to get a shot. I hate needles. Just saying.
I like what Lawrence O'Donnell said.
"Proud boys....what do they have to be proud of?"
Dragnet ( the movie.)
I finally realized what the insurrection reminded me of ( just not funny. ) All of those idiots were like the Pagan group. People Against Goodness And Normalcy.
I changed my name.
Formerly known as Doreen is now Ka-Dinh Oy. I am interested if anyone will catch on to my new name. There are at least two here who should catch on.
So, once the piece of dripping orange shit is acquitted
how much time will go by before he starts campaigning for 2024?
It is a good thing Joe does not care if he gets attention because donny will still be in the spotlight and probably be there until whenever he dies.
It seems like the press enjoys making us miserable by continually reminding us that he is here.
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Wa
Home country: U.S.A
Member since: Sat Sep 24, 2016, 07:36 PM
Number of posts: 11,686