Ka-Dinh Oy
Ka-Dinh Oy's JournalHas any repubs changed their mind to protest the election?
Will we know today or on another day if Ossoff is the winner?
I see some say he won and others saying not yet. About when will we be getting the "official" announcement?
To my DU family. Thank you all for standing with each other through these tough times.
So, mitchy boy. Are you going to treat Biden better than you treated Obama?
You think Shumer treated donny badly. Lets remember you treated Obama worse. Mitch, you are a nasty MOFO.
So, the other day my niece sent me a pack of coloring pencils. My thought was "WTF?"
She told me it would make sense when I got the next package the day after. Well, the day after I am out and about and when I get home there is a package in my mailbox. I go in my apartment get a few things done and sit to open my package. I pull out what looks like a book and on it it says: F*CK TRUMP an adult coloring book. By a nasty woman.
It has all sorts of rude things about trump and different statements against things he has said or done that you can color in with all sorts of designs behind them.
It took me several minutes to stop laughing and I immediately called friends and family to tell them about it. They also had a hard time to stop their laughing.
I am excited to start coloring. I told my niece I will send her the first one.
Am I a bad person?
I actually smiled and liked seeing the pictures of donny burn in Tehran.
Happy Thanksgiving DU.
Odd question but I know there must be someone here who knows.
I was looking at the turkey that was pardoned. What is that long piece of skin hanging down on the turkey's beak and what is it for?
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Wa
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Member since: Sat Sep 24, 2016, 07:36 PM
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