Joe941's JournalSomeone explain to me why...
Obama would allow Comey to serve him? Sure he did what was right the first time, but you keep a snake around long enough and he is going to bite you! This was a big mistake by Obama! We should have a democrat running the FBI so this would never have happened.
If Trump won Washington would become...
the swamp!
Bidden would easily beat Trump behind the barn!
I'd put money on Bidden.
Rick Scott says he will not extend the deadline for voter registration in Florida...
despite Clinton's request to extend the deadline over concerns of the impact of Hurricane Matthew. Dirty politics!
How will hurricane Matthew effect the election?
I think its going to help Clinton. After the hurricane goes through Hillary can make the case how she will help them rebuild if elected president. This could solidify FL, NC, and VA (VA is really already a done deal). This will help Clinton.
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