TalenaGor's Journalhes gonna pardon everyone....
this is what makes me sick - that at the end of it all - after destroying america and handing us to an enemy - he walks away from it all - they all do....
WASHINGTON Lawyers for Donald Trump, spurred by the presidents own inquiries, are exploring his power to grant pardons to aides, family and himself as a means of undermining special counsel Robert Muellers investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, The Washington Post reports.
The Post, citing an unnamed source familiar with the queries, said the president himself had asked advisers about the constitutional power, although another source noted that Trump sought only to further his understanding of the privilege. Trumps lawyer John Dowd called the claims nonsense.
Trumps lawyers are also looking into Muellers potential conflicts of interests, perhaps as a way of removing him from the Justice Departments investigation, according to a Post article that cited several of Trumps legal advisers.
Also on Thursday, various outlets reported Trumps longtime personal attorney and lead counsel on the Russia investigation, Marc Kasowitz, would be stepping into a smaller role. Kasowitz made headlines last week after he threatened a stranger in a string of profane emails, saying things like watch your back, bitch, and Im on you.
I feel like Trump may not return from his trip
I could imagine they shuffled him off to avoid the inevitable - its a 9 day trip if i recall correctly - SO much will be revealed in 9 days - I can see him getting into a country like...hmm...russia....then resigning....living out his happy days over there in exile.....
you know some of them have at least though of it....lol
Livestream of Seattle MayDay Protests
http://www.king5.com/news/local/seattle/several-may-day-events-in-seattle-monday/435391980 The Veteran Anti-War Formation- Rally then March to Judkins Park
9am-11am, Garden of Remembrance- 200 University
Immigrant and Workers Rights Rally, then March to Seattle Center
11am-3pm, Judkins Park 2150 S Norman St.
May 1st Action Coalition Rally at Seattle Center
3pm, Fisher Green Stage at Seattle Center 305 Harrison St.
MayDay Protests in Seattle
Passing along the info that I received as a commute notification from our building in DT seattle - thought I would pass it along in case we can increase those numbers
May Day: Veteran Anti-War Formation: March at 8:45 a.m. from the Garden of Remembrance at 2nd Ave and University. The march route is south on 2nd Ave, east on James St, east on E Cherry St, south on 23rd Avenue to Judkins Park. About 200 people are expected to attend.
Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights: Rally at Judkins Park at 11 a.m. followed by a march from Judkins Park to Seattle Center at 1 p.m. The march route is via S Jackson St, 12th Ave, Madison St, 6th Ave, Denny Way, 5th Ave N to Seattle Center. About 8,000 people are expected to participate.
Trump Tower fire: Blaze breaks out in Donald Trump's New York City hotel
Source: Yahoo
An investigation has been launched into a fire which broke out at Trump Tower.
The blaze was reported at US President Donald Trump's luxury New York hotel at 4.30am local time (9.30am GMT).
The small fire was on the 47th floor of the hotel and took just under an hour to be put out.
It is thought it was spareked when a piece of machinery malfunctioned in an apartment which was being built., CBS news reported.
Part of the building was evacuated and one person was treated for smoke inhalation.
Several fire trucks were seen outside the building on Friday morning.
Harold Mindel, who shared a photo online of several fire engines at the scene, said on Facebook: Waking up at 4.40 am with the sounds of many fire trucks heading to Trump International Hotel and Condo at Columbus Circle and Central Park West.
FDNY, New York Citys fire department, are investigating the fire, the citys PIX11 news site reported.
A message on the fire service's Twitter feed said: "Man all hands 1 Central Park W, high rise fire on 47th flr.
Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-tower-fire-blaze-breaks-113700078.html
things that make you go HMMM...
Trump gave me a rash...
just got back from Urgent Care - I have a rash all over my upper body- doc said its a inflammatory response to stress....said it's harmless, not contagious, not a concern at all - but yeah....i got a trump rash
someone else here made a mention of his/her doc saying they have seen alot of anxiety lately as well...
so maybe a reminder to us all to take some time away from news and take care of ourselves....stress really can take a toll...
think ill put on some Shpongle, smoke a bowl and PvP a while in GW2
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