lambchopp59's JournalPwotect Weligious Fweedums so We cun tell you how to worship, who to marry, how to live our narrow..
I'm on a junket to western Arizona. Last evening I turned on the radio to keep awake listening to the igonramus shit these RWNJ's have the most gullible convinced of.
This video is a parody, but frankly not that far off from the BS I heard....
It made me mad enough to keep me awake driving after dark!!!
I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall in futility
Bringing this subject up, science has been solidly predicting disaster for over 50 years now. Even mentioning we must make massive changes in the way we all get around brings scoffs of childish idiocy especially from those still driving their huge gashogs.
It 's way past time it hit major media outlets.
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