Deuxcents's Journal$4,000 "age tax"?
Im in Florida n a new ad is on about djts plans to gut Social Security, Medicare n impose an age tax in 2021. Is there anything to this or more scare tactics?
No mail for 4 days
Then, today my mailbox is stuffed with my bills, benefits info , voting info n other mail. Never had any problems here in SW Florida until just now. My cc company is saying they havent received my payment! Good grief.. thankfully, I got my voting ballot before this n I dropped it off today at the polling center. Priorities!
N C dem senate candidate admits to sexual texts
WTF is going on with men running for office..R or D with sexual problems? And they want to legislate MY reproductive rights? Take away my right to decide my health issues? O..they always apologize after the fact. No more. Cal Cunningham..sorry..m not a techie..
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Florida
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Current location: Florida
Member since: Sat Dec 17, 2016, 09:37 PM
Number of posts: 20,777