Deuxcents's Journal"This cannot be the future of America"
Did not see this moving speech by Rep Raskins until just now. Im moved beyond words for this mans pain.
Thank you
First..Im not a techie but off n on for a couple of years, Ive visited here. I had family obligations when I found you. Ive been at home with you for a while n hearts started popping up n I got one! Im beyond happy to be considered n I just now learned how I can participate. Thanks so much for being so kind to newbies like me.. its my birthday month on top of it all so thank you so much. Ill try to catch up with this great DU family. 🙏🏻
I'm watching the arrival of our fallen Officer
Of the Capital attack n Im angry. Im sad but pissed. There isnt anything I can do about it but be supportive of the investigation to bring his murderers to justice. I feel helpless. Im just trying to understand why..
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Florida
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Current location: Florida
Member since: Sat Dec 17, 2016, 09:37 PM
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