Deuxcents's JournalA quick word or two about Antifa
You know, the boogeyman the rs dont understand n swear its after them...
There is no organization called Antifa
Antifa stands for anti-fascism
WWII veterans were Antifa b/c they fought fascism
Anyone who is against fascism is Antifa
There is no membership card
Anyone can be Antifa
Everyone should be Antifa
Hope that clears it up for em. Wouldnt want them to be uninformed
I'm not afraid of karma
Ya get what ya a give. Shes sometimes slower than wed like but.. she catches up.
A couple of threads on SS n the GOP scheme tonight
I found this as I get these in my email everyday.. I hadnt read it until just now. Hope it helps The Daley Take is How to Fight the NewGOP Scheme To Kill SS n Medicare. Everyday he has a new report on this site.. lots on Medicare Advantage
Welp..I'm officially old...
Yesterdays eye exam was not so good..cant get a prescription for contacts cataracts are too bad.. SnL sucks..could not understand a word the special guest sang .. my mailbox is overflowing w/ Medicare offers..everyone calling me mam .. my naps are what I look forward to n technology has left me damn near completely in the dust. Well..closer than that, actually. Every time I ask my niece, I see her eyes roll. Aggg... but, to tell the truth.. Im happy 😊
Greetings from Fort Myers.
Just got my services up today n I sure have missed you, my Friends! Ian was the most horrific storm I have ever been in n Ive been thru a few. I am safe n no damage to speak of, thankfully, but feel like a refugee, at times, b/c Ive taken so many things for granted. Our water still needs boiled where I am but I HAVE water..some dont. Some dont have anything at all. Take good care of those you love is all I can say..Mother Nature can slap ya around some 🌺
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Florida
Home country: USA
Current location: Florida
Member since: Sat Dec 17, 2016, 10:37 PM
Number of posts: 18,926