Deuxcents's JournalJust watched part 1 of Ken Burns' documentary on PBS
The US and the Holocaust. I thought it was very well done although my jaw is tight. I see so many parallels from this history n what Is going on here today and Im worried..just about scared. I am not naive to think it could never happen here when I see the people saluting like Nazis at the rally in Ohio just last night. I just dont understand why the powers to be cant nip this in the bud before its too late. How much more evidence do we need to make the case of insurrection n those responsible? I have faith in our system but Im afraid time is not on our side.
It's Labor Day Weekend
Lots of mattresses on sale n other stuff but not a word of why this is set aside for the labor of our country n to celebrate them. As a proud union member for over 30 years, our history is long and filled w/ wins n losses. Tears n blood. A few highlights..we all know of the Matewan coal mining d strike in WV but they finally recognized unions w/ the National Industrial Recovery Act 1933. Then, the United mine workers. The Breads n Roses strike in 1912. 1933 Frances Perkins becomes first woman secretary of labor..I could go on about Mother Jones who got active after her shop burned down. We have a strong history of human rights..equality..decent days pay for a days work. Today, health benefits, parental leave, and Im preaching to the choir but they came at a cost. Buy a mattress or a fridge but know this holiday is for all of us in the work force..union or not. We have a long history in solidarity, I say Happy Labor Day.. support your local unions n I thank you. ✊
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Florida
Home country: USA
Current location: Florida
Member since: Sat Dec 17, 2016, 09:37 PM
Number of posts: 20,367