I_UndergroundPanther's JournalStill getting cat stuff together to get a new kitten
It will be maybe 1-2 months. I got the room picked out and will be getting it kitten proofed,just have to do the whole apartment too and buy a few more things. After that I go around to shelters and I wait for a kitten to choose Othello and me. Had to figure out the budget thought it might be too tight to have another cat but it looks feesable. The beginning will be more expensive since I will be buying kitten and cat food..
I will be keeping y'all updated. And yes lotsa pictures. I am pretty excited.
Othello my baby being adorable.
Been gone awhile.
Doing ok.
Here's a few new pictures of Othello.
Why did musk buy twitter?
Right wing dark triad shitheads just are not happy talking to each other..
They want someone to abuse.
Someone to bully and harass.
Thats why musk bought twitter
to give all the dark triads innocent
people to abuse and victimize.
There was no innocent people or people with honest disagreements to abuse at truth social. A bunch of narcissists talking to each other does not provide victims who can be hurt. They want to bully people. Specifically people who do not share thier personality type.
Thats why truth social failed along with all the other right wing social platforms.
Dark triads aren't happy unless they are abusing someone. This is why they like "
Owning the libs" the codewords for verbally beat ,threaten and victimize people they target into silence or emotional meltdown.
And when platforms like facebook limit abuses ,they play victim and whine about free speech and so and so wants to restrict me blah blah.
I saw this cat
He was sitting on a drain top near the woods. Omg he was gorgeous a long haired brilliant orange guy with vivid orange eyes. Big cat too. He was master of all he surveyed sitting out there. I stayed at a distance and watched him.
He was sunning himself and he took my breath away. Later I got some ham for him, and dammit he ran into the drain but I left the ham there. I hope he came back and ate it.
I am wondering is he that young cat I saw a few years ago that took my breath away then, that ran before I could catch him? If so,he grew into a magnificent brilliant orange lion of a cat.
Wish I could find out where the colony is.
Wish I could catch and tame a kitten that looks just like him,that cat is gorgeous.
Maybe get help with TnR with the colony too.
If I see him again and I have my phone I will try to get a picture of him for y'all.
A study of politics and personality orientation
This is interesting.. Shows why its very important that good people run for political office and why.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Maryland
Home country: United States
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 12:27 AM
Number of posts: 13,004