I_UndergroundPanther's JournalMy flower arrangement
This is a flower arrangement I made after my mom passed in 2020. The flowers are fake.
The fascist trend is also anti enlightenment
Articles listed below wont let me post a blurb of the articles. They are long reads but if you want to see how anti enightenment people justify thier beliefs these articles might be useful
Ever wonder how huge cargo ships get put
Into the ocean?
Othello just made me squee
He was watching me on my computer than he moved and I thought he was laying on my leg. What he was doing was far,far cuter. Here he is curled around my knee holding my leg. Sqeeeeeeee💗💗💖😹
Yesterday I went to
Walmart to pick up some stuff. I decided to get Othello a little bag of toys. Some bizzy balls,a little taco cat and a catnip mouse or two and fuzzy balls.
He was so happy. He's been carrying around the little taco cat everywhere .Its absolutely adorable when he carries toys in his mouth. Especially the fuzzyballs.
This morning he left me a few of his new toys in my bed as a gift.
My heart was about to burst when I saw them.
Oh I so love precious Othello.
The first ever
Othello blep.
Othello coming over to say hi after decimating some catnip.
The Cats of War
Everyone knows about the dogs of war...
The cats of war
Everyone knows about the dogs of war...
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: Maryland
Home country: United States
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 01:27 AM
Number of posts: 12,805