AllaN01Bear's Journalhihowdi. completed my weekly shopping. a study of 2 stores .
i do it on 2 days
day 1: walmart. population 50% wearing masks and 50% percent not
day 2:save-mart, a california regional grocery store. entire population in store wearing masks . staff split 50 50. at this time we only have 2 cases of cv19. (tuolumne county ca . a mostly red district with tom mcclintock as their senator.
)what is the mask ratio in your neck of the woods?
are there other du members on youtube?
i am being constantly bugged by the pop up there that wants you to try youtube tv. im not interested . how do i get rid of that thing pernamantly? thanks
on edit: thanks for responding . stay safe . go blue in november .
self isolation ordered by a dalek.
is there a way to get a glossary of terms on here ?
last several weeks there have been words that i dont know the meaning of , such as astroturfing. what does that mean? what does gaslighting mean other than for street lights ?
the cataract of my second eye has been removed . feels wierd without glasses . please stay safe .
eyed thought uall would enjoy this
even this is old , i thought it was cool. virtual choir singing " the strife is o'vr"
via the episcopal church office of communications
over 800 entrants sang and played in this presentation.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
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Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 02:45 PM
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