AllaN01Bear's Journalto all du members . have any of you heard of something called the digital devide.
there is such a thing. not everybody can afford a computer or the internet. yes librarys have internet and many librarys have closed. so this is the haves and haves not situation. ihave a lovely 10 yo mac and doing well. but not everyone can afford a new and or used computer.
this may be off topic and may be and or locked , but here goes .
a question for the group. if the former guy is tried , convicted and scentanced in a legal way. will is secret service detail go with him to prision or will that be stripped . and would he be put in general population? thanks
to all you legal eagles , constitutionists and 1st amendment speciliasts ,
a question?
when does hate speach stop being protected from the 1st amendment and becomes a crime? i am refering to this story and others . thanks in advance .
ok, who has been running around the country with a goof gas gun and making half of
the population stoopid ?
been using apple products for at least nine years now . the venerable computer that im typing to u is at least that . i have another mac book and an ipad . i just switched this computer over from 32 bit high sierra and skipped over others and went to big sur 64 bit without any difficulties . this machine , a early 2013 ,13 inch screen took big sur without problems.
a number of my 32 bit apps quit working including my web browser of choice , but my friend who did the upgrading went into /libraries/ caches and deleted that . works fine . my adblock for youtube filters havnt caught up yet so , i have to slog through them. i usually hit the skip ad buttons . one other app that quit working was a app called boxer app. it is a frontend to dosbox. i went off half bang 1 day and deleted a lot of stuff , mini vmac dosbox as it quit working . all my games and ms word 5.5. i then looked around and found a 64 bit version and promptly installed it. i rescued my games and word 5.5 from my older apple . they work fine. to my suprise ms word 5.5 now een prints out to my printer , whereas before it didnt . i also run win 3.1 for solitaire . it has note pad and notepad prints . i swear, what is this world coming to? all in all it was a nice transitional swapover and am pleased with the experiance . a slot machine game that i like quit working and i found a nice suite of games in dos haveing poker , etc and slots . i goto the slot machine game . well pleased . nice job apple .
hihowdi .
i learned something today. in n. california , we are having a one issue election. yesterday i forgot to sign,date , and print my name before sealing the send in envelope. today i took my ballot to county recorder / clerk/ elections , and the official clerk tore off the securitity flap as she was in my presence and i signed , dated and printed my name and threw it into the ballot box. sounds like they get alot of this .
2 earthquakes of magnitude 3 and one of four strike truckeey ca.
details below.
abc news sacto report below .
i live in an apartment complex in sonora ca and a friend across the quad felt the mag 4 but not the threes . grass valley lost power . i didnt feel anything.
as per a thread i had posted earlier ,,,,
i have my almost 9 yo mac book pro, running big sur w out any issues .
i feel that this post should be in the computer room , but most topics are on a singular iteom
and not a general forum. a friend of mine is updating my venerable macbook pro to big sur. meanwhile i am using a generic pc with windows 10 . i like . a little slow in most area, but can be gotten used to. if the admin gods feel that this post needs to move , please let me know where i can put it. all in all a nice driving experiance . m$ still needs to quit messing with the gui and improve the os core and file system.
i give it five stars .
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
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Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 02:45 PM
Number of posts: 23,893