Flaleftist's JournalCan the Supreme Court block expansion of the Supreme Court?
I know little about the law, but it seems anything Congress does can be challenged to the Supreme Court. Hypothetically, what if a majority opposed expansion. It wouldn't matter how ridiculous the majority decision is would it?
Why does Pennsylvania not allow processing of ballots until Election Day?
What is the purpose/reason for that law?
Hypothetically, if you had to live in any other country, where would you go and why?
What happens with all the leftover money in Trump campaign funds if when he loses
He is clearly profiting off it now by doing things like charging rent to the campaign for property he owns. Do the laws allow him to expand the grifts and funnel the rest of that money into his personal accounts?
Who else but Trump?
https://twitter.com/AngelaBelcamino/status/1269811000410333185?s=20Who else but Trump could bring back the 1918 pandemic, the 1929 Great Depression, and the 1968 race riots all in one year? #TrumpSlogans
FYI: Robert Di Niro will be on Lawrence
Wow! Ebay winning bid of $565 for Lysol wipes.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/362978950986?nordt=true&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2546137.m43663.l10137Another one currently bidding at over $1,500. Is this shit for real?
Does anyone know where I can buy some gloves online.
I'm trying to help procure some for a home health worker and she can't find them anywhere. Even Amazon won't sell to the agency and the prices I see on eBay are ridiculous.
edit: Thanks for the replies, everyone. I see several options. I don't think the person at this agency worked very hard to find them. I probably have looked around a little more myself before I even posted this.
Should checking your temperature on a regular basis be something that is encouraged?
Is it possible to have a fever and minimal symptoms and be contagious and not realise it? I have seen some mention of it, but it doesn't seem like it is something that people are really being encouraged to do.
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