Bluepinky's JournalAnybody watching Trump now?
In fine form, talking about fake news, Obama, immigration, how great his tax cuts are.
Now a woman next to him speaking, Mr. President, its an honor to be here with you ...she and husband have $200-300 more dollars in each paycheck due to new tax cuts.
Her husband verbalizing how great things are for him economically since tax cuts. The audience following orders and clapping on cue.
Other people speaking about how great Trump and tax cuts are. Garbage...
So I talked to my Fox-watching, Trump-loving sister yesterday.
We try not to talk about politics, because we end up fighting. But yesterday I said something that triggered a discussion.
She asked me if Im part of the Me Too movement; I didnt know why she asked that. She said the Me Too movement is anti-male, with the goal of bashing and hating men and boys. She has a teenage son and doesnt want anything to do with a liberal movement whose goal is to hurt and hate males. I explained that Me Too is about fighting against sexual harassment, not hating men and boys.
This is how Fox News and right wing talk radio distorts things. They have turned the Me Too issue into a male bashing movement. It breaks my heart that my sister has been brainwashed into believing the crap she hears on Fox.
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