Thomas Hurt
Thomas Hurt's JournalAnyone know if a Presidential campaign can file for bankruptcy?
Lost an Aunt to COVID on Friday, heard today, my Uncle is in hospital with COVID...
the christofascist idiocracy bumbles along.
My aunt who has been in a nursing home for some time passed of COVID yesterday.
My extended family had been fortunate with CV until now.
Unfortunately nursing homes are death traps for the most susceptible.
I am seeing this correctly, GA Trumpers are threatening to write in Trump for a Senate seat?
They can't really think he gets to stay President if they do this do they? (smh)
So just what does it take to get charged with sedition in this country?
So folks, what do you think are the odds Trump parts with 7.9 million for a recount?
So, just how high on your wish list is Trump's demise prior to 2024?
Trump's next ploy, trying to buy off electors?
Looking toward a brighter future, where do you think they should bury Trump?
Under the Mar a Lago clubhouse?
Maybe under a section of his wall?
Seems like it would have to be a place where they could sell tickets and merch...
Just when does the voting and transition obstruction of Trump and his enablers
cease to be wishful thinking, a scam, denial, and become criminal?
Just how far can Trump push, even when he ultimately fails, who is going to hold him accountable for this or any of enablers for that matter?
Right now, I am blown away with what this nutjob is trying to do.
I should not be surprised. I myself said he would TRY to stay if he lost. Still freaking me out.
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