TomSlick's JournalThis is how I feel sitting in a courtroom waiting on the jury to come back.
The correct result seems clear to me but it's out of my hands.
I had an early voting glitch.
I was standing at the door when the polling place opened for early voting, so I was the first voter on one of the machines.
Everything seemed to work until I printed the ballot, at which point an error message appeared. The voting officials couldn't figure out the problem. My ballot had printed but the scanner wouldn't read it. The bottom line is that my ballot was put with the provisional ballots.
The head of the local voting commission assures me that the ballot will be counted and that I don't need to appear for the provisional ballot hearing the Tuesday after the election. I've known her for years and I trust her when she tells me there is nothing to worry about.
We have really good voting machines that produce a printed ballot that is saved for any needed recount. It usually works flawlessly. My timing was just bad.
The teaching point is to not be the first voter on a machine.
Arkansas early voting starts Monday.
The following link will check your voter registration and provide a sample ballot for your voting ward.
I had a strange note on my front door today.
Someone I don't know asked where I got my "Veterans For Harris/Walz" sign in the front yard.
I called the number. The guy is obviously older than I. I bet if I saw him in town, I would assume he was a MAGAt.
I told him that I had assumed my sign would be quickly stolen and had bought two. I offered him my spare. He was very grateful.
I have a warm-and-fuzzy feeling. I helped a fellow vet and there will be another sign in our small town.
Is it OK to fire a staff member over politics?
I asked my assistant if she was going to watch the debate. She allowed that she doesn't like either candidate and that VP Harris would just be another Biden. (She couldn't tell me what she has against Biden.) She just can't decide whether to vote for a felon or a prosecutor. She is convinced the economy is in the toilet and that Trump will fix it - history to the contrary notwithstanding. (I've tried in the past to explain tariffs to her without success.)
I can't figure how she remembers to breath. She is surely too damned stupid to work in a law office.
However, I don't like seeing Democrats fired for their politics and there is the Golden Rule to consider. But the stupid - it burns!
What's with some few delegates voting "present?"
I had to turn off Velshi.
He was being critical of VP Harris for calling down anti-Israel hecklers.
I won't speculate about the reason that Velshi believes that anti-Israel hecklers should interrupt ANY speaker. (Heckler is not a term of endearment.) Whatever his reason, I'm in no mood to hear it tonight.
Pro Tip for JD Vance.
Corporal Vance:
Like you, I was a REMF (Rear Area MF). Unlike you, I served 28 years compared to your 4.
One thing I learned over my longer period of service is to not compare my service against combat arms soldiers.
Let it go. You won't like the result.
Our internet was down for four hours.
I was in serious DU withdrawal.
I'll be able to sleep now.
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Gender: MaleHometown: Arkansas
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Member since: Mon May 15, 2017, 08:46 PM
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