TomSlick's JournalI received a fund raising appeal from the organization Disabled American Veterans (DAV) in today's mail.
I am a retired Army officer but not a disabled veteran. I don't know how DAV got my name and address.
The letter went to some length to claim that DAV is fighting for disabled veterans. However, there was no reference to project 2025's plan to cut benefits for disabled veterans.
I don't know if this is cowardice on their part or simple negligence.
To the protesters at today's Biden rally in Michigan.
I get it. You're really upset about how Netanyahu is prosecuting his war in Gaza and upset that President Biden hasn't waived a magic wand to bring Netanyahu to heel.
Protesting against Biden during the primaries may have been a way to register your displeasure. However, the primaries are over. At this point, protesting against Biden is protesting for Trump. Protesting for Trump is protesting for Netanyahu. If Trump is elected, Netanyahu will be given complete free hand in Gaza. If Trump is elected, it will be unsafe for anyone to protest.
I have no idea what your protest today was supposed to accomplish. What it may help accomplish is the end of American democracy.
I just found a new toy.
I haven't been able to post for about a week after breaking my hand. I've just discovered dictation.
Arkansas Attorney arrested at Bar Association meeting for political activity.
An Arkansas attorney was dragged by the Hot Springs police from the state Bar Association meeting for soliciting signatures on a petition for a proposed initiated act to reinforce the Arkansas FOIA after attacks from the GOP dominated Legislature and Governor.
The Hot Spring Convention Center belongs to the City of Hot Springs. The Bar meetings have always been a forum for political activity. I have not been able to ascertain what, if any, involvement any officer or staff of the Bar Association had in the affair. I have not been able to determine whether the attorney was released from custody or has been charged.
In my opinion, any lawyer involved in the affair has violated their attorney's oath to support the Constitution.
I've been thinking about the Alito flag story. It occurred to me that there may be a deeper issue.
A SCOTUS justice having a campaign sign in their yard would be taboo. Flying an insurrectionist symbol on a pole outside their house is simply stupid.
I wonder if Alito is slipping mentally and when he gets home, were his clerks can't watch him, the dementia symptoms are unchecked.
The on-line auction for my mom's "living estate sale" just ended.
Mom has moved into assisted living and we needed to sell her stuff to clear the house.
There were things Herself wanted to buy, things the MIL wanted to buy, and a couple of things I wanted to buy.
Lots were closing in about 30 second intervals. It all got very exciting.
I'll figure out what I spent tomorrow. In the meanwhile, I need a stiff drink.
DU spell check window will not close.
For a couple of days, every time I logoff DU, there is an open DU spell check window open. It's not a big deal, I just close the window. It's simply irritating and suggests an underlying problem.
I use an Acer PC. I have both shut down and restarted, neither worked.
Any suggestions?
Congressman Rick Crawford (R, Ark) sues the US demanding a pay raise.
The Representative from Arkansas' 1st District has sued the US saying he is due a pay raise, despite Congress not authorizing one.
Rep. Crawford's district includes some of Arkansas' poorest areas. The median household income in the district is $50,223. I wonder how this will go over back home.,violation%20of%20the%2027th%20Amendment.
Any experience out there with VA benefits for assisted living?
My father was a Korean War combat veteran. Dad recently died and Mom has moved to an assisted living facility.
My brother has been in contact with "Patriot Angels" that is telling him that mom they get her a VA benefit to help pay the assisted living costs - for a fee.
I'm skeptical (I'm always skeptical) but "Patriot Angels" has a good BBB rating and more good reviews than bad.
Does anyone have experience with "Patriot Angels" or aware of such VA benefits?
I'm watching the vote in Michigan and watched protests at lunch. I can't decide if I'm angry or simply worried.
I understand the "uncommitted" movement is a protest vote but it is counterproductive. The "uncommitted" push is patently anti-Democratic and anti-Biden.
I heard a woman saying on MSNBC earlier that she regretted voting for Biden against Trump because Biden hadn't done something about Israel's actions in Gaza. The protester I saw at noon with a sign that read "Genocide Joe Must Go" sent me over the edge.
Politics is a zero-sum game. Anything that weakens Biden strengthens Trump, even if it only means that Democratic voters stay home. If the protesters are unhappy with Biden, do they think things would be better under Trump?
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Gender: MaleHometown: Arkansas
Home country: USA
Current location: Arkansas, USA
Member since: Mon May 15, 2017, 08:46 PM
Number of posts: 12,141