TomSlick's JournalFirst try at tacos on the flat top griddle. Very nearly all I had hoped.
The taco rack to hold the tortillas while the building the tacos was just the thing.
It's definitely going into the rotation.
March for Our Lives 2022 in Little Rock.
There is a March for Our Lives 2022 event scheduled for June 11 at the Arkansas State Capitol. We may be in blood red Arkansas but we need to be heard.
Please sign up and show up.
The Carpenters "Bless the Beasts and the Children."
I don't often post in this group but this song came to mind reading posts about this week's mass murder.
Why is Chuckie Todd back on MSNBC at lunchtime?
I thought we were done with him.
I really don't need to hear him talk about how the Democrats are doomed in the midterms.
I bit the bullet and voted in the Arkansas Rethuglican primary.
Arkansas has an open primary and the only election was on the Rethuglican primary. I had a list of people to vote against, starting with Sara (Smokey Eyes) Huckabee Sanders for Governor.
When asked what ballot I wanted I muttered "Republican, God help me." The worker laughed an gave me the ballot.
The Kentucky Derby upset made understandable.
Overhead camera angle for the Kentucky Derby. Watch the jockey guiding the horse through impossible traffic.
Amazing performance by horse and jockey.
The leaked draft opinion does prove one thing. SCOTUS is just another political body.
Putting aside for the moment that released draft strongly suggests that a majority of the Court is prepared to overturn Roe, the draft opinion would not have been released without the OK from a justice - no mere law clerk would take such a step on their own. The only explanation I have is that some member(s) of the Court is hoping to use public opinion to effect the final decision.
My personal opinion - unencumbered by evidence - is that one of the conservative judges is trying to stiffen the resolve of the majority.
The citadel has fallen. Stare decisis is dead. SCOTUS is just another political body in black robes and life tenure.
Infant formula shortage.
My son and daughter-in-law are having trouble finding infant formula.
I know there is none to be found in the local stores and it cannot be ordered on line.
My internet searching reveals a nationwide shortage caused by - wait for it - supply chain issues. I am unclear what is to be done if we cannot feed our infants.
I've had enough of the Infiniti ad with the kid orchestra butchering "Sprach Zarathustra."
Not only is it painful to hear but it is insulting to student musicians.
No kid's orchestra director would make the attempt. Kids that age should be performing "Bill Grogan's Goat." The message seems to be that student musicians are really bad. I was unlikely to ever buy an Infiniti, I'm not into conspicuous consumption, but there is no risk now.
Never again say "never again."
The Russians have long since destroyed any possible legitimate military target in Ukrainian cities. At this point, the Russians are shelling cities that have been reduced to rubble. The only reason to bounce rubble is to kill civilians. Any suggestion that the Russian shelling is merely indiscriminate and not intentionally targeting civilians is now untenable. The Russian target is not the Ukrainian army, it is the civilian population.
This conclusion leads to a question: Is there a line short of the border of a NATO country which the Russians may not cross in their war crimes or NATO will respond with force? Is Russia free to use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine? Can Russian use tactical weapons or enhanced radiation (neutron) bombs in Ukraine without a response from NATO? Is Russia free to depopulate Ukraine by any means?
Is there anything short of crossing a NATO border that will result in a NATO military response? If not, the world should never again say "never again."
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Gender: MaleHometown: Arkansas
Home country: USA
Current location: Arkansas, USA
Member since: Mon May 15, 2017, 08:46 PM
Number of posts: 12,132