TomSlick's JournalThe proposed "Wealth Tax."
I spent a lot of time on the road today listening to MSNBC. I heard a lot of discussion about how we've never had a "Wealth Tax" in the U.S. That statement is, of course, incorrect.
What wealth most of us have is tied up in our homes which are taxed albeit by local government. What is being proposed is that the wealth of the really wealthy is also taxed. Seems fair to me.
It's a Grandson!
Herself and I just returned from the far corner of the State where we traveled for the birth of our first grandchild.
After some prompting, the doctors and nurses all agreed he is the prettiest baby boy any had ever seen.
Mother and son are doing well and at home.
A humble proposal concerning Trump's wall.
I propose that Congress appropriate the money Trump wants but only for the purpose of acquiring the necessary privately owned property by purchase or eminent domain. Given how long eminent domain proceedings would take, Trump would be long gone before they are completed. Better yet, when the federal government actually starts seizing private property the Republicans along the boarder will come unhinged.
My suspicion is that the first set of property seizures would be the end of the wall.
I'm coming up on 3,000 posts.
DU has become an important part of my evenings for the last couple of years.
As a Democrat in south Arkansas it has meant a lot to me to know that I am not alone. I sincerely enjoy the conversation.
I don't think I've pissed anyone off - too bad. If I have, please be assured it was not intentional.
Thank you, DU and DUers.
Why is Rachel a re-run tonight?
If Rachel wanted the night off, was there no one to fill-in? Was there no news? What am I supposed to do for an hour?
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Gender: MaleHometown: Arkansas
Home country: USA
Current location: Arkansas, USA
Member since: Mon May 15, 2017, 08:46 PM
Number of posts: 12,145