TomSlick's JournalI listened to Sen. Sanders on Tweety about his climate change plans.
I agreed with everything he said but at the end of each sentence I yelled at the TV - "but have you fired Nina Turner yet?" As long as he has Nina Turner working in his campaign, I cannot support Sen. Sanders in the primary. I'm wrong and I know I'm wrong but I can't get past this.
Mind you, I will swallow my bile and vote for him if he wins the nomination but I'll need an antacid.
Beto at Little Rock for Moms Demand Action rally.
Herself and I just returned from Little Rock for the Moms Demand Action Rally.
It was 95 degrees, blazing sun and high humidity.
I was expecting a couple of local Democratic politicians and they were great. There was a high school student who was simply amazing.
When I thought things were winding down, the Arkansas head of Moms introduced Beto - who had not been announced as a speaker.
He really wowed the crowd. His proposal for a mandatory buy-back of assault weapons was particularly popular. If nothing else, he is an amazing speaker who has found his issue with gun violence.
I'm still not convinced he's the right guy but I am, in the words of the old gospel song, "Almost Persuaded."
Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in American - Arkansas rally.
There is a Moms Demand Action rally at 2:00 at the State Capitol.
We need a good turn-out. If you don't have Moms Demand Action t-shirt, put on your Razorback-red t-shirt and show up.
Let's go Arkies, don't just sit there complaining - do something.
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Gender: MaleHometown: Arkansas
Home country: USA
Current location: Arkansas, USA
Member since: Mon May 15, 2017, 08:46 PM
Number of posts: 11,999