Comfortably_Numb's JournalThe drumph family after today's news. Don Jr. is going to need some serious ya yo so he can
get ready for his big day in court!!! Cue the sweaty rages about the hoax and the witch hunt... Sniff jr -sniff!!!! Gums is trying to figure out how to spell grand jury so he can google it, and ceramic Barbie is practicing her fifth amendment spiel speaking slowly and with lots long breathy pauses.. and finally the Mayor of Mal a Lardo is going to go H.A.M. at those weddings... suck it!!! All of em deserve to rot in prison, broke and broken.
Yee haw !!!! Gawd damn Texas...f*ck this state... sideways with a pine cone.
AUSTIN, Texas -- The Republican-led effort to allow Texans to carry handguns without any kind of license cleared what is likely its biggest remaining hurdle in the Capitol on Wednesday, when the Texas Senate moved in a nail-biter vote to bring the measure to the floor and then gave it preliminary approval.
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