Comfortably_Numb's JournalPfizer booster news. Got the booster (3rd shot) yesterday and not so much as a sore shoulder
this time and no other side effects. Hows that compare with other DU folks?
JFC I picked the wrong night to give Rachel a glance. The Austin democratic HQ story is literally
Killing me with mindless repetition. 14 seconds of video stretched into seeming endless minutes of blather . I stopped on her because she led with Wendy Davis. Jeebus am I sorry I stopped by.
So Amy Covid Handmaid and Clarence "Long Dong Silver" both came out lamenting the politicization
of the court. Their Federalist Society overlords must have instructed to them to get out on the offensive: Is Samuel Thats not true Alito up next or Judge Boof.? Whos gonna step up and embody hypocrisy next?
And every sheriff's dept unit has big "in God we Trust" decals on them.
ANGLETON, Texas (KTRK) -- As Texas and the United States continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, more elected leaders are lashing out at President Joe Biden's plan to require some businesses and all federal government employees to be vaccinated against the virus.
Add Brazoria County Sheriff Bo Stallman to that list.
Question I saw on Reddit: Is Abbott's goal to get progressives to leave Texas, thus making
this dystopian hellscape even redder?
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