Cuthbert Allgood
Cuthbert Allgood's JournalLin-Manuel Miranda drops gospel "Teach Them How to Say Goodbye" ft Obama
And it is fantastic. Seriously. It will make you feel better on this pretty horrible day.
Trump wants Pelosi as Speaker
Why do you think that is?
Trump, though, showed an early interest in working with her, charmed at times by her deal-making prowess. If she returns as leader, its easy to imagine Pelosi courting Trumps support on shared priorities ahead of the 2020 election, like a big infrastructure package or lower prescription drug prices that eluded past presidents the kind of bipartisanship voters say they want from Washington.
full article
Good News: RCC Leadership knows the cause of the abuse--it's the gay priests!
"It seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals," Burke said, "that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root."
Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin, writing to Catholics in his diocese last month, noted that the recent incidents of clergy abuse involved "deviant sexual almost exclusively homosexual acts by clerics."
"It is time to admit," Morlino wrote, "that there is a homosexual subculture within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that is wreaking great devastation in the vineyard of the Lord." . . . "I would say that homosexuality is at the root of this," Morlino answered.
Full Article from NPR
Add to the growing list of why the RCC needs to just stop and go away.
Atheists Condemn Supreme Court Decision Permitting Trump's Muslim Travel Ban
To put it another way, a whole bunch of atheists are defending Muslims and religious freedom, because discrimination on the basis of religion should concern all of us.
Heres Larry T. Decker, Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America:
By upholding President Trumps travel ban, the Supreme Court has legitimized bigotry and threatened the rights of all Americans. This travel ban is nothing more than a thinly-veiled religious test and the fulfillment of President Trumps repeated pledge to institute a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. Any reasonable observer assessing the travel ban in light of President Trumps 2016 campaign will see it for what it is an assertion of Christian privilege, anti-Muslim bigotry, a rebuke of our First Amendment, and a grave threat to religious freedom.
FFRF was more blunt on Twitter, calling the ruling disgraceful.... In a longer explanation, they said the ruling ignored very clear constitutional limits:
The travel ban blatantly disregards the Establishment Clause, as FFRF demonstrated in its friend of the court brief it filed before the Supreme Court against the ban. The Trump administrations history of excluding from entry to the United States immigrants and non-immigrants from selected majority-Muslim countries violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, FFRF had contended. The travel ban also contravenes Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits a religious test for office or public trust.
Full Article at Pathoes
I know that some in this discussion group want to portray atheists as religion hating bigots, but this is what it means to be an atheist to me. And a reason I'm happy I send the FFRF some of my money each year.
Baptist Pastor: Sarah Silverman Is a "God-Hating Whore" Who Must Die
Feel the love. That's a LOT of anti-semitism right there.
Thats what known in comedy circles as a joke.
Silvermans whole persona at that time was someone who said offensive things because no one expected them to come out of her mouth. Her fans knew she didnt genuinely mean any of it, and her comedy has by and large shifted away from that in the years since.
" have you heard of this comedian, Sarah Silverman? You guys know what Im talking about? She brags about it! Id do it again! Listen, she is a witch. She is a jezebel. She is a God-hating whore of Zionism. I hope that God breaks her teeth out and she dies. She is a wicked person and she is, like, the perfect representation of religious Judaism I pray that God would give her an untimely death, and it would be evident that its at the hand of God "
Thats a lot of hate directed at someone who made a joke. Hes not saying her jokes will lead her to Hell in the afterlife. Hes calling for her death now.
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OK, so saying Reid wasn't tell the truth was dividing the party but saying Wolf was bad isn't?
I don't get. Someone help me out here.
Michelle rode the line (like all good satarists do) and spoke an incredible amount of truth to power, but people here are doing all they can to bring her down. She did a great job. Brilliant satire.
Wolf told no lies. She said only truths. And, contrary to the current narrative, she did NOT insult SHS appearance (on the contrary she complimented her).
So, why aren't we applauding what she did?
Good News: FFRF win: N.J. Supreme Court upholds bar on funds to repair churches
The New Jersey Supreme Court, in a 7-0 decision today, upheld the state Constitutions ban against taxpayer funds being used for building or repairing any church or churches. In Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Morris County, FFRF and member David Steketee filed suit in late 2015 against the county, challenging public grants of millions of tax dollars to repair or maintain churches. The state high courts ruling corrected a lower courts shocking refusal to apply the state Constitutions plain command.
FFRF and Steketee originally protested more than $5.5 million in funding to churches since 2012 by the Historic Preservation Trust Fund. The lawsuit specifically challenged $1.04 million in allotments to Presbyterian Church in Morristown, which, in the words of the church, would allow continued use by our congregation for worship services, as well as disbursements to St. Peters Episcopal Church to ensure continued safe public access to the church for worship. All of the churches that received the grants have active congregations.
This is not just a win for secular citizens, but for every New Jersey taxpayer, explains FFRF constitutional attorney Andrew L. Seidel. Governments in New Jersey cannot force Muslims to bankroll temples and yeshivas, compel Jews to subsidize Christian churches and Catholic schools, force Christians to fund mosques and madrassas or nonbelievers to support any religion. Its a win for all.
Full Article
We are lucky to have an organization like the FFRF.
Anyone roast their own coffee here?
Got a coffee roaster for Christmas (does about 5 ounces of beans at a shot) and have done about 3-4 pounds so far. Just looking to compare notes as I learn about this art.
Tried Mac and Cheese in the Instant Pot last night
It was pretty tasty (recipe)
It was nicely creamy. I used the recommended brown rice pasta brand and I was very impressed. Easily the best gluten free pasta I've had (most is just crap).
Excited I found this group!--Anyone successfully made brioche in a bread machine?
I'm in the mood for some brioche french toast and we don't have a bakery near us that makes a respectable one. Panera brioche buns is the closest I can find (which are pretty good, actually).
So, I'm thinking of giving it a shot. We have a Zoji bread maker, so I'm confident in IT'S ability. Saw a couple recipes, but they look like a lot could go wrong. Any one have success?
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