Soph0571's JournalMorticians for Trump sponsor death rallies...
Graphic mine
Death has announced he is very pleased that the Morticians of America for Trump recently sponsored a rally for the Death Cult Leader in Chief, who ensured by removing social distancing stickers from seats that both death and morticians had a financially viable evening. Heh.
An enemy of the State resides in the WH J. Trump
I will Veto the Defense Authorization Bill if the Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren (of all people!) Amendment, which will lead to the renaming (plus other bad things!) of Fort Bragg, Fort Robert E. Lee, and many other Military Bases from which we won Two World Wars, is in the Bill!
Classic distraction technique to divert Americans from thinking about 130k dead, Russian hiring Taliban to kill US soldiers, surrendering any response to, and responsibility for the pandemic. Quick look over there while I will defend to the death something, I have extraordinarily little knowledge of cause white racist supremacist confederate nasty. Talk about this and ignore the fact that I am burning America to ground with a fuck off democracy, far right flame thrower Heh. Yet again another example of his failure to read the room, never mind the nation
I think we can all get behind these removals..
Oh my days, this image nails it
Once you have seen it you cannot unsee it so soz but was compelled to share. Although there is a bit too much truth in it to be just a funny meme. They are protecting their white shite supremacist America by any means necessary - and looking ridiculous while doing so.
Choking off supply of Covid-19 drug to the rest of the world. Sounds like Wanker in Chief. But why?
Remdesivir is a drug that has been shown in studies to help the recovery of those who are most unwell on ventilators. It is produced in California by Gilead (the irony!). And, so as that horror in the WH buys all of it and ensures he chokes off supply of remdesivir to the rest of the world one has to ask why? Firstly, I suppose just because he can. An American Company and an American Product if he wants to ensure they only sell their product to him then he has the power to do so. But why? Why would they need the entire global production of this tablet? The Administration is touting this as a great deal, which BTW is also a massive fuck you to Americas allies who require access to this medication, but that is not the point really. One has to ask what the data is saying about current Covid-19 spread in the US. Why would the federal government spend $$$$, on over ½ a million doses of a drug, for a two month supply, that is only effective if you are at the point that your survival is at best 50/50 from the virus, unless something very grisly indeed is being predicted?
One final thought, as the virus rages through the red wall states, it is good for them that the admin have brought this drug - after all the utter flouting of common sense precautions will have exposed these populations to higher virus saturation, which could lead to more people being sicker for longer and a higher mortality rate... and they should be able to access this drug if their governor kissed the great orange arse sufficiently and Florida and Texas, as examples, excel at this. Just going to throw it out there that California, as it predicts a second wave, will not see one single solitary pill
OK I got really bored tonight and so Dr Who has a Campaign message for 2020
Graphic mine
It was that or the tardis falling into a pit of hell while the Doctor was screaming I can't help you
They really should not tease us like this...
While I would love to believe that Trumps fragile ego would run away from a devastating loss in November, I think they are either gaslighting or teasing - not sure which. There is no way way Trump will drop out of the race, not unless he has his private jet on stand by to a country without an extradition treaty with America...ahem.
This is a truth
The people who stocked toilet paper to the max, and stockpiled EVERYTHING, to the detriment of everyone else, are the same people who refuse to use a mask. Selfish wankers every single privileged racist white one of them.
Folks, we are about to experience the mother of all gaslights in response to the Putin bounties. wager: Bill Barr is going to launch an "investigation" into the "leaker" who gave the story to the NY Times which is also going to somehow become magically connected to Obamagate
Ex-FBI is not wrong. You know this is going to happen. The MSM must not fall for the bollocks.
There are no words to sum up the idiocy of a MAGA
Seriously. You use your face mask as an eye mask to get your zzzz's on a plane? Only a MAGA. It would be quite a funny image to sum up the stupidity of the MAGA herd if it was not for the fact that COVID infections are on the rise and over 120k are dead. These idiots kill people.
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